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part seven
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that's my baby

MATTIA POLIBIOthat's my baby

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"PAPA!" Were the words everyone one heard announced from the entrance of the pitch. I was still playing until I had realised everyone stopped moving and playing. "What?" I asked Alejandro who stood next to me looking over. He didn't say anything but laughed and pointed at a girl standing on the other side of the pitch.

She stood still for a moment before quickly walking over to coach. I was like 100% sure that was Priscilla from last week. I mean, coach hugged her and it sure did look like her even from this far. "Is that the girl?" I suddenly hear from my left, I look over to see Kairi standing next to me arms crossed.

I nod and watch her talk to her father, she smiles and I almost smile as well. "Fuck, she is fine. I'd fuck her any day." Me, Kairi and Alejandro turn to look at Josh Diaz who was eyeing her like meat. The fuck did he say? I bite my lip and turn to walk away, I wasn't gonna let him make me angry again.

"Polibio, what do you say huh? She fuckable?" He asked, as I had turned away from him. I turn around reluctantly to see him smirking at his stupid friends. I scoff loudly, "She's isn't a possession. You don't speak about girls like that, Diaz." His eyes grow dark then he scowls again, "Mhm. I'd fuck her all day." He announces. I roll my eyes and look away.

"Imagine... I wonder how bad she likes it." He continues "wonder if she would be down for 5 of us." Thats when I snapped, in seconds my fist was on his chin and then he was on the floor. I couldn't even look at him as I glanced at my hand which was red. "Don't speak about her like that." I growl kicking him in the stomach.

"Polibio!" Coach yells again from afar and I glance to see him storming over and not far behind him, Priscilla. I step back away from Josh and wipe my hand on my shorts, staining them red. "What happened?" Coach asked looking between me and Diaz. Silence, as everyone looked at one another agreeing not to say what Diaz had said.

"Mattia?" A girly voice asked from my left. I knew who it was so I turned to see Priscilla standing their with a concerned look on her face. "What happened?" She asked taking my hand in hers. I felt my red cheeks warm, so I looked down. "Uh, just a disagreement, Priscilla." I said. That's when I noticed everyone was watching us. So I gave her hand a squeeze and let it fall to her side.

"Jesus, Polibio. Todos los días." Coach sighed, then stormed off leaving Priscilla with the team. No one spoke until Josh stood back up wiping his chin and nose in one swipe, a smirk evident on his bloody  face. "What's your name, baby?" He asked Priscilla walking over to her. She winced and stood backwards.

"It's not baby and did you not just hear him say it," she spoke pointing at me next to her "Or are you just as stupid as you look?" She sassed, raiding her eyebrows. "No he is." Kairi said, crossing his arms and looking at Josh. "Watch it shorty." Josh hisses, stepping closer to Kairi leaving a small space in between them.

"Why don't you watch it. I have an idea! You can watch yourself in the mirror, cause you got a little something here." Priscilla interrupts stepping up to Josh. He rolls his eyes and turns to her, "You know how could you would be to fuck." She laughs loudly letting her head fall back. "You can't fuck me with a vagina silly." Good one.

Then she leans over grabbing my hand, "Let's clean your hand." She pulls me behind her with my uninjured hand and I let her. "Bye, Joshie." I smile waving back to him. I won.

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