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part seventeen
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ok I pull up


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"Guess who's here bitches!" Natalie screeched, pretending to catwalk into my room. A slight laugh escaped from my mouth, standing up to greet my two friends. Natalie took it upon herself to sit on my bed shortly followed by the other. "So what happened, babe?" Melanie questioned me finally. A loud groan left my lips as I began to explain to my best friends.

"Remember last week at the soccer match when I left early?" I reminded them. A frown fell on Natalie and Melanie's face instantaneously while they cautiously nodded. "I left because I saw my dad kissing someone. Who was not my mom..." I clarified to them, my eyes not brave to look them in the eye. Natalie gasped in coral with Melanie who leaned forwards to envelop her in a warm embrace. "Baby, I'm so sorry." She whispered caressing my hair.

"Me too, but I'm going to be more sorry when me and your mom tag team his ass." Natalie breathed, joining the hug while making us both snicker. "Thanks, guys but that's not it just yet." I proclaimed, making them leave the hug and sit back up. "When he came home he told me it was my fault and that if I told my mom he would make sure I don't go to college," I told them replaying the moment in my head.

"That bitch, he did it he should pay for it not you." Melanie specified, shaking her head in disappointment, I assume because they have known my dad for so long we were all disturbed by what he had done. "There is no way he would be able to do that. Come on Pri, you should tell your mom." Natalie observed like it was obvious, Melanie agreeing too. "It's not just that. See he threatened Mattia too. He'll make sure he doesn't get in Princeton. Princeton! I can't compromise him like that." I sobbed, tears beginning to fall for the subsequent time that day.

"He threatened Mattia too? What a dick. Is that why he came to get you?" Natalie burdened me with her inquires but the worst thing was that I didn't know how to explain to them I never told Mattia. "I never told him." I murmured. They let out a loud inhale together. "Why?" Melanie queried rapidly her eyes wide.

"I didn't want to worry him because I know he would want to get involved in it and I don't want to scare him. Or, get him hurt. I can handle it on my own and if he did something bad or out of hand I would never forgive myself. I know I can sort it out and it doesn't need to be dragged in because of my family's issues." I elucidated, letting my head fall in indignity. I did feel immoral in some retrospect that I should have told him but I wanted him to be safe.

"I get it." Melanie retorted after a slightly awkward silence between the room. I looked up optimistically and leaned forward to give her a thankful clasp. "Me too!" Natalie light-heartedly cheered diving on us, making us all collapse on the floor in giggles. "I don't want to ruin the moment but, we need a plan."


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