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part two
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up up uppity

MATTIA POLIBIOup up uppity

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"KAIRI!" I yelled across the pitch to my best friend he looked up from his feet, to see me kicking the ball over to him. He quickly got it and began running if with it. I laughed at his small body running until i felt a shoulder push into my back. "What?" I asked rudely until I saw Josh Diaz in-front of me.

"Can I help you, Diaz?" I asked with no sign of actual caring. He smirked and crossed his arms, "No, Polibio. How's Jenna?" He asked knowing that she cheated on me with him. What a dick. "Watch your mouth." I cussed, my jaw clenched as I walked closer to him. He in return got in my face.

Just as he was about to open his mouth my fist flew to his face, I watched him fly back as he fell on the floor holding his nose. "You fucking dick." He yelled, jumping up but Mr Hazell stood in between us. Josh immediately pointed at me, snitch. Mr Hazell looked down at my hand then my face, sighing. "After school, Polibio." He sighed walking away.

Josh laughed as his friend stood next to him. "Karma's a bitch." He stifled, laughing more. What an ass. I pointed as his white shirt with a red stain. "You got something there." He looked down, to look back at me but I was already gone.


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"BYE, MATTIA." Alejandro said dubbing me then walking of with Kairi. I watched them walk away for a moment then turned to go to Coach Hazell's room. "Hey coach." I said as I walked into the room, he looked up as he was on the phone and pointed to one of the two chairs in his office.

I took a seat and dropped my bag next to me and looked at the clock on the wall. "Ok, see you hunny. Bye." He said sweetly before ending the call. He looked at me and I returned the look, smiling slyly. He chuckled and shook his head. "Are you not gonna ask me why I punched him?" I asked leaning back in the chair.

He shook his head also leaning back, "It's Diaz. There's not much more to it." He joked, I nodded looking at my hand as it began to scab over already. "Just watch it Polibio, yeah?" He agreed standing up to look out his window. I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

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