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part thirteen
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i'm that hood mona lisa

PRISCILLA HAZELLi'm that hood mona lisa

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I walked into the living room to see my mom talking with one of her friends, Elaine. They turned their heads to see my and miles in sync. "Hey ma, Elaine. I'm going to pa's game." I said just as they wished me off and I walked to my car.

I stopped outside Passaic Valley to see my two best friends standing by Natalie's car. "Hey bitches." I greeted to them stepping out the car, to hug them. "Babe! You look so hot! 10/10 smash!" Natalie screamed, gathering attention of near by boys who looked over in awe. "Chill out." Melanie shushed her but also laughing at her as well.

I glanced at the time on my phone to see the game began in about 20 minutes or so. "I'm gonna go see my dad before the game." I told them, once they nodded I spun on my heel towards his office. Simply walking this way brought back memories of meeting Mattia, but that boy should have been way out of my head. #mood

When I got to the door of my dad's office, something felt off. Not to be superstitious or such but that it was an eerie feeling walking into the office. "Pa?" I said when I finally opened the door. There was no response and it was clear why. "Priscilla!" He yelled after his eyes opened from kissing a woman in the chair next to him.

"Pa?" I asked again in shock, my brain couldn't even function what I saw. He stood up and walked over to touch me on my arm. But I was already gone down the hallway to the pitches. I passed the boys locker room to see Mattia standing outside it. My feet slowed, as my body came closer to his. "Pri? What's wrong?" He asked, opening his arms for me.

And before I even knew what was happening my body was in them and my tears where falling down his shirt. "I hate you. I hate you so much." I cried into his chest. I pretty sure he could hear what I said because his arms tightened around me and he responded, "You should." He responded.

"My dad he cheated on my ma. I just saw him, with my own eyes." I whispered, as I pushed him off me. He gulped clearly uncomfortable but softened when he heard the words. "Oh shit. Are you ok? Does your mom know?" He asked in a hushed voice. I shook my head trying to blink back the tears. He opened his mouth as he was going to say something but then someone yelled out the game was starting.

"Sorry, I gotta go. I'll text you after." He smiled to me but got nothing back. So he leaned in a placed a kiss on my cheek. "Good luck." I whispered, placing my arms around my body.

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