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╔.★. .═════════════╗ 
part sixteen
╚═════════════. .★.╝

that's my shit, that's my wave

PRISCILLA HAZELL that's my shit, that's my wave

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"So, he threatened you?" Kairi asked from the passenger seat. The shock in his voice was evident however most normal people would be shocked to hear that someone's father threatened them with such things. "Yep." I blew glancing over at Mattia who was glancing at his phone trying not to gain the attention of anyone else.

I focused my attention back to Alejandro and Kairi who, unlike Mattia, seemed to be quite concerned and interested in my issue. "That's shitty. He just threatened your future?" Alejandro inquired, once more. "Yeah, he said if I told my mom what he did and what I saw. He would make sure I don't get into college."

Mattia finally looked up from his screen and furrowed his eyebrows. "So, because he kissed someone but your ma he is willing to compromise your future?" He asked seemingly worried for me. I didn't do anything but then felt tears start to crowd my eyes' vision. The more I spoke about it to people the more I realised that my father was never a good man to me or my mother. The silence at the dinner table while we ate, morning or night. The fact that my mother went out of her way to tell me to do things that my father would hate. I just never looked so far into it.

His arm, closest to me, wrapped around my shoulders and pulled my shaking body into his. My hand found his shirt and I fisted the shirt, letting my tears fall on to it while his hand smoothed my hair. "Why did he do this to me? I didn't do anything." I cried out but muffled due to my tears choking me. The car that Alejandro was driving remained quiet. "Why doesn't he love our family?" I whispered; loud enough for the car to hear.

"Listen to me Pri. Your dad and his wrongdoings have no reflection on your or your mom. He made the mistake because he's a bad person. But you're not, you are beautiful, kind, funny- you are everything that should be loved. I think that you're lucky someone like your dad doesn't love you because there are people way better to love you." Mattia told me. My heart fluttered and I put my arms around him.

"Thank you. It means everything." I murmured into his ear just as Alejandro pulled into my driveway. "Here." He whispered as well trying not to interrupt the moment between us. I pulled out of the hug slowly and looked at his face. Before I could give it a second thought I let my lips press against his cheek. "Thank you, Kairi, Alejandro," I said before hugging them both awkwardly over the car seats and leaving to reside into my home. My house.

 My house

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natalieare we gonna ignore the fact that you left the classwith a boy, who was definitely not your cousin?

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are we gonna ignore the
fact that you left the class
with a boy, who was definitely
not your cousin?

did you see alison's face
when he asked about her
sticking the leg out too
fucking funny idec 😌

mhm that's mattia tho
do y'all wanna come over
i need to tell you something

are you guys not
doing the devil's work
with your 'cousin'

ew please don't that's
incest 🤢

incest 🤤

but fr come over
it's important

we are coming
over right now b

we said skrttt

ok good
come thru the
back door

priscilla ok good come thru theback door

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