Anika Rose was okay with going unnoticed. She preferred it. It gave her the time to focus only on school and convince her Mom that dance was a worthy career. But at the start of the new year rumours of a new student float in the air. Anika isn't ple...
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"It was truly nice of you to give me a few pointers on this unfamiliar sport. Thank you once again." Brandon nods with a smug expression. "As captain of the football team, I must teach all of my team members and help them grow." I nod and look off to the middle of the field recalling Anika dancing through the turf fields.
"So, let's start with simple handoffs. That sound good?" I nod glancing back to the middle of the field before returning my gaze to Brandon. "Logan and Coach Thomas already taught me yesterday during a free period." Brandon glares. "What free period?"
"All team members get a free period to practice and work on conditioning." I recite Coach Thomas's words from yesterday. Brandon nods his glare still has not fallen. "Well, then we can just toss the ball back in and forth." I nod once again. I widen my stance and bend my knees slightly ready for the catch. Brandon chuckles.
"That's an improper stance." He says tucking the ball under his arm. "Uh, it is?" He nods with a heavier glare. "Do you not trust my words, I am the captain shouldn't I know this?"
"I did not mean to seem judgemental. I suppose that I was merely confused." Brandon scoffs. "You were confused by what, was I not clear?" I shake my heads slowly. "It is just Coach's teachings contradict yours." I shrug sheepishly.
"I see, well then let's just toss the ball as friends." Brandon hums. I nod once again. Brandon hard throws the ball seemingly aiming for my stomach. I lower my hands and cradle the ball before overhanding it towards Brandon.
"So, you've been here what a few days, any girls you like?" Brandon chucks the ball towards me. I catch the ball in my off-hand throwing it back with a small smile as I recall the ever feisty Anika. I do not reply only shrug my shoulders. "So, hat about you and Anika. I hear you got two are on the offs. And you argued with Chloe about her." Brandon catches the football, nearly dropping it in the process. "I am unsure. My Maman and I went over to her house to meet our neighbours. I did not know that she lived next to my family until she arrived home."
"You guys are neighbours?" Brandon asks tossing the football back to me.
"Yes, we are. I do not think Anika wants anyone to know though. She does not like me you could say. I do not know if It is because we stumbled in on her dance session or because we started talking to her. But she does not like me." I catch the football lost in my daze. "Last night her Mom told her to take me along with her to the gym, Anika of course was far from pleased and did not want me there but she took me anyway. While we were jogging, I asked her where we were going and she told me that, she was to go to the gym and I could follow or do whatever I pleased as long as I reframed from bothering her."
I throw the ball back to Brandon before continuing. "When we had arrived, she had left me and disappeared somewhere. I was not in proper attire to be working out or anything of the sort so I attempted to find her. I found her in the dance studio in the very back of the gym. She was dancing around the room." I catch the ball in my arms and tuck it under my arm. "It was quite the entrancing sight. To see her dance like that. She looked nothing less than beautiful. She was smiling and floating across the floor." I smile as I recall last night's events.