Anika Rose was okay with going unnoticed. She preferred it. It gave her the time to focus only on school and convince her Mom that dance was a worthy career. But at the start of the new year rumours of a new student float in the air. Anika isn't ple...
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"Anika Rose is a nobody!" Chloe shouts. I roll my eyes. "Really? You guys have nothing better to do than argue over something ridiculous?" Chloe and Ash look over to me. Chloe rolls her eyes at me and looks away. Ash stares at me unwavering. "I don't get it. I don't know you, and you don't me, nobody knows me. So, why on earth would you want to be 'friends'?" I ask making quotations with hands. Logan joins his best friend at his side.
"What's wrong with wanting to get to know you and become friends?" Logan says. I shake my head. "I told you I didn't want friends, yet you talked to me in all of our classes. And you dragged me to your table and forced me to sit with you. I thought I made it clear yesterday at lunch after you forced me to sit with you that I didn't want to be friends." Logan opens his mouth but Ash beats him to it.
"You can't accept that someone wants to be friends with you?" I scoff at him. "Sure." I roll my eyes and walk away. I ignore the heavy stares of everyone in the field and walk back to school.
The rest of the day was quiet. The boys left me alone but I was still getting heated glares and curious stares from random people and classmates. In class the boys' chairs were empty. They were at football tryouts. It left me with desired quietness and peace. The stares were the only thing that wouldn't leave me alone. I miss being 'invisible'. But I will no longer be that because of 'them'.
"Hey! Watch where you're going." Chloe snarls at me. I glare at her. She was the one who ran into me. "Well, you going to just stand there or say something?! Why were you with my boys?" Chloe huffs. She has staked a claim on everyone, you have to ask to date one of the 'popular boys'. Oh, please. "If it makes you feel less insecure, I didn't want to be with them. I honestly don't know why they tried to befriend me. I told them to leave me alone but they thought I was lonely and I wanted friends but didn't want to accept them." I tell her with a bored expression.
She scoffs and glares. "You mean you were so desperate for their attention that you tricked them!" This is getting annoying. She doesn't plan on listening to anything I have to say. "Look I don't want them; you can keep them. Keep them away from me, because they might be tempted by me, you know? You don't want that to happen?" I smirk. "Urgh! Just stay away!" Chloe shrieks and storms off. I roll my eyes and continue walking. People at this school are mere distractions if I bothered making friends, they would derail me from my goal. I need to show my Mom that dance is a worthy career choice and I can't do that if Logan and his friends continue to distract me.
I rush through the door of my house, pass my Mom, and up the steps only to be stopped by her on the third step. "Anika, are you not going to say hello?" My Mom stands at the bottom of the stairs in her pantsuit. I turn to my Mom and walk back down the stairs. "Sorry, Mom. Hello." I kiss her cheek. "That's better, now come say hi to our guest then you can go rush off to wherever." My Mom takes my hand and pulls me along with her to the living room. On the couch, a lady sits turned talking to a fairly tall dark-haired boy. They seem to be speaking very quickly in French I believe. "Rachel, Ash this is my eldest daughter Anika. I believe Ash and Anika go to the same school." The lady and her son turn my Mom and me. The lady, Rachel smiles. "Oh, yes Ash was just telling me about her. I hear you're quite the dancer." Ash the same boy from school smiles and waves at me. I give both him and his mother a tight-lipped smile.