Important Note

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Hey lovelies,

I have mentioned that I was going to attempt the editing process of Someone like Ash, but clearly there hasn't been any changes. Well that is because after reading over my story I have noticed some major plot holes and a few things that are just stupid. 

So I have started the editing process but I didn't want to upload it because it wouldn't fit with the rest of the story. I wasn't going to upload it but, honestly I want to share my changes and progress with all of you, well because for one I'm proud of the changes I've made. It will fit with the rest the more I edited. And well I kind of just wanted encouragement. 

The updates won't be as frequent as they were before, if you can call my previous updates frequent, because of online school and such, but I'll make an effort.

Anyway that is all, thank you guys for being patient with me during this process.


I have decide to unpublish the old chapters as I upload the new ones. I probably should've done this sooner, but I didn't think of it at the time. Thank you all for being patient, and thank you to those of you who read my story, vote, and comment. I really appreciate all of you! I would also like to say thank you for 6.1k reads!! I'm really glad that more people are reading and enjoying my story!

Thank you all, again. And enjoy the story, as I continue to upload!

Love Emmy~

Someone Like Ash (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now