Anika Rose was okay with going unnoticed. She preferred it. It gave her the time to focus only on school and convince her Mom that dance was a worthy career. But at the start of the new year rumours of a new student float in the air. Anika isn't ple...
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Ash just kissed my cheek. I place my hand on my cheek and look over at Ash he is back to tucking Lilo in acting nonchalant but his burning cheeks and red-tipped ears give him away. Ash kisses Lilo's headed before standing and turning to me.
"What's wrong,"
"You kissed my cheek,"
"Yeah, I did," He says more to himself than me.
"You kissed my cheek," I repeat. Ash shakes his head and kisses my other cheek.
"Now, I kissed your cheeks." He smiles.
I stare at him stunned, when did he get so bold? "Ash?" I whisper.
"Yes, love?"
"Do you think... we could ever be-,"
"Ash! There is someone at the door for you!" Rachel calls. Ash smiles at me softly slipping his hand into mine. We quietly slipped out of the nursery and make our way down the stairs into the foyer. Logan stands in the foyer talking to Rachel with his usual charming smile. "Hey, Logan," Ash says with a smile. Logan's smile drops. "Anika?" I wave sheepishly.
"Hey, Logan," Logan's smile reappears. "I should've known you would be here. I hope you don't mind my intrusion, I was just coming over to check up on you." Logan sends Ash a grin. "It's okay, Aisha and I should probably get going," I say. Ash shakes his head.
"You just got here," He pouts.
"I know, but you haven't seen Logan all-day, you guys should catch up. I call you later or something." I smile and go to the kitchen to call on Aisha. "Isha come on, we have to leave,"
"Aw!" Aisha whines. "We just got here."
"Are you sure? We don't mind having you guys over." Rachel smiles widely.
"Oh, it's okay we should head back anyway, it's beginning to get dark."
Rachel nods in understanding. "Well, I hope to see you, girls, soon, tell June I said "hello"."
Amour talks animatedly about a small mishap that happened yesterday during cheer practice. "She's just so...augh!" She groans with discontent. I walk beside her books in hand. "Should you really be telling me this?" I ask cautiously. Amour throughs me a sideways glance.
"Yeah, why not! Who else am I supposed to complain about Chloe to?"
"I don't know, the girls on the squad?" Amour shakes her head. "Those girls are too loyal to Chloe."
I shrug as we walk into 7th period's French class. "So, what exactly did Chloe do this time?" Amour groans.
"Weren't you listening?" I shake my head sheepishly. "Chloe changed the choreography for this week's game day, again! And she keeps telling coach to change the uniform!" Amour complains, taking a seat at our desks. "Well, aren't you co-captain? Don't you get a say in anything?"