Anika Rose was okay with going unnoticed. She preferred it. It gave her the time to focus only on school and convince her Mom that dance was a worthy career. But at the start of the new year rumours of a new student float in the air. Anika isn't ple...
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Anika's POV
"Hey" The text from Ash reads. I look up from my phone and down at him, where he stands a stroller in front of him containing his little sister Lilo. I recall the day when he came over to our house. The way he grinned as he talked about his baby sister. It's cute. She is also very cute. I look down at the adorable sleeping baby.
Would you like to join Lilo and me on our walk?
We're just going to walk around the block until I have to head off to school
I peek at Ash over my phone and smile when I notice him doing the same. My phone pings with the sound of a new message.
Ash that a yes?
I smile softly. And nod before texting a...
Yes, I'll be down in a few
I look up from my phone once again before rushing off, hurrying to get dressed. I toss on a familiar pair of skinny cuffed jeans, marron cami, and my well-worn knit sweater. I rush to pack up a few straggling textbooks that lay around my room, shoving them into my bag. I pick up my phone and tuck it into the safety of my jean pocket before dashing towards the stairs, taking the steps two at a time.
"What's got you in such a rush?" Mom asks when I run into the kitchen. "Nothing," I pant. "Just heading off to school early. Bye," kiss my Mom's cheek. "Tell Isha I say 'bye'," I tell her waving before once again dashing off towards the foyer. I slip on a pair of ankle boots, and make my way out of the house, down the driveway to where Ash waits on the sidewalk. "Hey," I say with a smile.
"Hey," He replies with a wider smile. "Well, now that you're here we can start our travels." He exclaims quietly. Lilo stirs in her stroller. Ash freezes looking down at his sister smiling at her rosy cheeks. He reaches down softly rubbing his fingers against her cheeks. I notice how large his hands are compared to Lilo's her head fits in the palm of his hands. Ash's head snaps up catching me staring. I quickly look up towards the changing sky. My cheeks warm from being caught and feeling his stare.
"You ready?" He teases. I look back at him and glare softly. "Yeah..." I mumble. He smiles and straightens out. "Let's head off then." We start walking down the sidewalk side by side. "Do you know if you made the squad?" Ash asks. I shake my head.
"The sheet should be up today," I say with a grin. "After a full week of waiting the list will finally up... So, are you on the football team? Officially of course." I ask glancing at him. "Yea last week we had our first practice."