Trying Out for the Team

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A faint gasp is heard before Chloe speaks

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A faint gasp is heard before Chloe speaks. "Okay enough interruptions. You can start now or not." Logan and I roll or eyes at Chloe's bitter words and watch Anika as she goes back into her pose. The doors are thrown open once again causing everyone to groan. Brandon walks in his bruising cheek draws everyone's attention. Brandon walks into the gym cold glare on his face. He glances at the table then at Anika. He sends her a nasty glare before settling himself against the wall.

"Okay, now you can start." One of the girls who sit at the table tell Anika with a faint smile. Anika nods and begins.

Anika stands in the middle of the gym; her faint pants are all that can be heard. "Alright, thanks," Chloe says uncomfortably. Anika nods and makes her way to us where we wait next to the doors. Anika runs up to us with a smile spread across her face. Open my arms wide as she reaches us. Anika jumps into my arms with squeals and laughter as I spin her around. I place her gently back on the ground a broad smile on my face.

"You were great Dancer! There is no way they can say no. And I was right," Logan says smugly. "You're amazing at cheer."

"You were perfect Anni," I say flashing her a smile. "I can't wait to see you on the track cheering me on at games." Logan jabs me in the side with his elbow. "Don't forget about me." I jab Logan back. "Dude, get your own Anni. This one is perfect for me." I swoop Anika off her feet into my arms once again. I swing her in my arms, getting lost in our little world. I stumble slightly when Brandon crashes his shoulder into mine. "Hey, would you watch where you're going? I'm holding someone." I snarl at him. I place Anika back on the ground. I glare at Brandon as I put her down.

"Hey, I have to go do something before we go on our date. Could you wait for me in the parking lot? I'll drive you home." Anika shakes her head at him. "I'm going home with Ash and Logan." Brandon chuckles. "Of course, you are. Whatever. Just tell me where you live and I'll drop you off." Anika shakes her head once again. "Just tell Ash where you want me to meet you."

"Oh my-! Would you just let me pick you up! Ash can drive you home but he is not coming with us on our date!" Brandon yells, his voice bouncing off the walls of the gym. "Fine.," She mumbles backing into me. Brandon nods and storms off.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She nods and gives me a faint smile. "I'll be fine. Let's get going."

Anika pats on my head and laughs at Logan as he jumps around the parking lot sing in a high-pitched voice. "Logan you sound awful." I laugh. "Oh please. Like you could do any better." I sigh and hike Anika further up my back. "James is coming to pick me up so it's going to be just you two. Try not to kill each other." Logan jokes before running off.

"Well, it looks like it's just you and me," I say. "Oh, that sucks for me." She teases. I chuckle. "No, you going on a date with Brandon sucks for you. How did you manage that?" Anika sighs.

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