I'll Be There

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"Oh, okay," Ash smiles, turning to look at Amorette and Logan

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"Oh, okay," Ash smiles, turning to look at Amorette and Logan. "So, today was crazy, right?"

"Yea," I chime in before the others can carry on the previous conversation. I throw a harsh look in their direction. "Are you still tired?" I ask Ash, changing the topic.

"Not as much," He smiles. "But, I would still love it if you came over tonight."

"I'll be there," I smile back. My head gently drops down onto his shoulder, resting there. My eyes scan over the empty courtyard, briefly pausing to look at the few autumn leaves on the ground. It was getting colder and more and more leaves were falling off trees. "When is homecoming again?" I speak still focusing on leaves on the grassy ground.

"I think next week?" Amour says. "I've lost all concept of time. I feel we don't stop preparing for cheer meets for football games, soccer games, and even basketball games." Amour huffs.

"I know,"

"And, Chloe being team captain doesn't make it any easier." I nod along. "She still hasn't decided on the fall uniform. Not like it matters it's almost winter."

"She's being absolutely ridiculous. She's changed the choreography so many times. I can barely keep up."

"I have no idea why Coach keeps her around. She is running this team into the ground."

"There are other people who would make the perfect fit," I say suggestively. "Like I don't know... maybe you?"

Logan grins. "You would be perfect. You practically do most of the work anyway. I think you should talk to your Coach, if you're doing all the work that a captain should be doing you should be the captain."

"I'll vouch for you. I'm sure the rest of the girls will too. It's not like the beginning of the season where everyone just wanted to be a part of Chloe's group. They are all tired of her too." I speak up unable to hide my smile.

"I'm not sure," Amour says. "I'll think about it. But I will make no promises."

"But just know if you don't, I'll talk to her myself. I know where her office is." I point my index finger and ring finger back and forth between the two of us.

"Yeah, yeah."

I sit in the cafeteria two weeks later sitting at one of the back tables facing the floor-to-ceiling windows. I push my hair out of my face, letting the sun kiss my cheeks. I sit in the cafeteria waiting for everyone. Logan took Amorette to see our Coach in hopes of talking about Chloe's poor behaviour. Ashton is talking to one of his friends on the other side of the cafeteria.

I sit watching him, hand propped up against my chin, a small friendly smile on my face as I watch him. His abdomen constricts as he chuckles at something his friends says. I glance at his crisp navy tee shirt, rolled up at the cuffs of his sleeves, meeting his loose blue jeans. Ash looks over at me as he runs his fingers through his hair, gently teasing it. I roll my eyes, "Whatever," I mouth in his direction. Still smiling as he copies my previous action.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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