Truly Out of Love

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I smile broadly at Anika

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I smile broadly at Anika. "Hey!" Logan yells as people began to crowd our table. People sit in various seats along the rectangular table the leads up to our round table. Brandon and his friends sit next to Anika and me. Brandon throws a smirk my way as he makes himself comfortable next to Anika. Anika's smile disappears as a snarl settles on her face.

"Anika, love." Brandon laughs slightly looking over at his friends before continuing. "Everyone wants to know how our date was. I thought we should share it together." Anika glares at Brandon. Brandon merely smirks and throws an arm around her shoulders. A glare settles on my face, glaring at his arm. "Why don't you tell them, love?" Anika mocks elbowing Brandon in the ribcage.

She looks towards me with a triumphant smirk. "Okay then, love." Brandon grits. "Went to the Rosales botanical garden."

"Aw! I wish my boyfriend was that romantic." A girl coos.

"She is so lucky." Another girl replies.

Brandon's glare disappears. It seems as if he to hear how the two girls gushed over him. "It was perfect," He continues. "It was so beautiful, even more, beautiful with her there." Brandon flashes Anika a lovestruck look. "We ate in the greenhouse."

"Oh, love don't forget to mention that you brought your friends on our so-called 'date'. And you also forced them to be our waiters then tried to pay them five dollars for an hour of a miserable date." Anika gives him a snarky smile.

"Love, that's embarrassing." Brandon grits. "You embarrass yourself, not me." Anika grits back with a smile."

"Aw, look couples squabbles!" A few girls gush causing me to roll my eyes.

"Brandon and friends, can we-." Logan starts only to be cut off by Brandon. "Then, I asked her to be my girlfriend." Anika's glare drops. A hush settles over the once loud room. I look towards Anika how looks murderous. Anika pushes her chair back suddenly.

"Is something the matter, love?" Brandon mocks. Anika glares picking up her bag before storming off. Logan and I get up as well grabbing our bags to follow after her.

"Not cool," Logan says as we walk away. "Not cool,"

I lean against the tree reading over Anika's shoulder. "I don't get," I mumble. She shakes her head slipping her hand in between the pages. "What don't you get?" She asks. "Why did she write those letters, address them but never send them?" She shrugs, "I don't understand either." I smile. "Well, why do you like this book," I ask. I love this, we are here in the middle of the garden, leaning up against a tree, lost in our own little bubble.

"It's a good, cheesy, romantic, somewhat relatable book." I smile watching her eyes twinkle as she reads. "Hey, Ash!" And the bubble pops. I look on to the vast garden towards the glass tunnel where Chloe stands. Chloe smiles when I notice her and begins to strut towards us. Anika scoffs noticing Chloe. "I love her turtleneck, but since it's Chloe I hate it," Anika mumbles to herself. I chuckle. I too like her turtleneck, it reminds me of Anika's turtleneck. Anika wears a navy blue turtleneck tucked into her grey plaid pants.

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