New Boy, Who This?

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Ash's POV

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Ash's POV

New schools are something that isn't new to me. Being that my parents and I tend to move around a lot. So, when we moved to Rosales, I wasn't scared of being new. I've never found it hard to make friends. I never thought I would have to beg someone to become friends with me. It was a new experience all around.

I unpack my final box before throwing myself on my bed. I look around my room. The walls are painted a dusty black similar to a chalk wall. My closet is to the left of me along with black iron shelves filled with rugby trophies, books, and other items. A desk sits diagonally in a corner next to an accent table filled with textbooks and a few packaged snacks. The door to the bathroom is next to a console table with family photos on it. A television hoisted on the wall above it. My walls are littered with family photos of my baby sister Lilo and my friends back in France. My room is quite simple.

I get up from my bed and walk out of my room to Lilo's room. Lilo crawls across the white carpet floor towards our Father. "Ah, Ash. You have come to visit us! Have you finished unpacking?" I nod and walk further into the room.

Lilo's crib rest against the grey and gold-lined panel wall. In the panel above her, bed white polka dots decorate the plain grey wall. A canopy-like curtain hangs above her bed. A crown holds the canopy to the wall, forming a gold L. A dresser rest next to me covered with gifts and trinkets from our Aunt. Her crib is a simple white cot with plush pink bedding tied to the bars in neat bows. The large window is covered by grey and pink layered curtains. A chandelier of plastic feathers hangs from the ceiling. A grey weaved laundry basket is placed next to a simple looking rocking armchair. A matching footrest is in front of the chair with folded clothes on top of it. Lilo's room is quite simple with the few large stuffed bears and building blocks. A bookshelf filled with children's books of both French and English.

I walk over to the bookshelf picking up my old copy of Le Petit Prince. I flip through the worn pages and smile before walking over to where my father plays with Lilo. I sit down on the plush carpet laughing softly at Lilo who lets random squeals and babbles. I place the book on the floor catching the attention of Lilo. She takes her fists from her mouth and grabs at the book. She begins to nibble on the book happily. "Mama is going to throw a fit when she grabs ear of you letting Lilo slob on her hands." Papa smiles.

"Well, I'm glad you won't tell her. I don't see the big deal." Papa shrugs and smiles at the child. "It may not be a big deal or bad but it tells you she's either hungry or bored." Mama comes into the nursery glaring at her bashful husband. She takes the book from Lilo and picks her up from the floor. "It can also mean she is finally teething." Mama places a finger to Lilo's lip, lifting it gently. "Ah, no such luck." Papa shrugs. "The Doctor said that teething starts around 4 or 12 months. Lilo is only 3 months. We should wait for when she is at least 4 months to start checking." Mama rolls her eyes. "Get a wipe and sanitize this." She hands him the slobber covered book with a glare. He shrugs his shoulder and takes the book to the changing room.

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