Anika Rose was okay with going unnoticed. She preferred it. It gave her the time to focus only on school and convince her Mom that dance was a worthy career. But at the start of the new year rumours of a new student float in the air. Anika isn't ple...
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Ash leads me down the steps onto the track. He drops my hand softly before looking at me. "What's up?" I ask. I stare at him.
"I am sorry. For doing that to you in class earlier, I do not know, suppose I thought that if I could get you to join the cheer team you would see how good it is and how much you enjoy it then maybe you would want to be friends with me." Ash's cheeks flush. "But I guess it was not that you did not want friends it was just you did not want to be friends with me," Ash says with a faint smile. "So, you and Brandon. Huh? I did not think he was a relationship type of guy or a guy you would want to be friends with. But I do not you at all." He jokes. I wince when he references what I said. "No, it's not like that," I stress. He shakes his head. "No, it is okay. I get."
"No, you don't. I'm not-,"
"It is fine Anika."
"No, it's not you don't get it!"
"What do I not get? Is it the fact that you did not want to be friends with me so you lied and said that you didn't want to be friends with anyone or is it that you had your boyfriend playing matchmaker for me so I would get off your case?" Ash starts to yell.
"Would you shut up so I can-,"
"No, I get it. Now you can stop rubbing it in. I am going but I am always here. Sorry for any trouble I caused between you and Brandon. I am going now." He turns and walks away.
I storm back up the bleacher to where Brandon sits. I grab my lunch bag and try to head off. "Anika, what's wrong?" Brandon turns from his friends to me. "Nothing! Everything is absolutely peachy!" I say. "Why don't sit down. Maybe I can help." Brandon winks. I sigh but sit down anyway. "What?"
"Hey, chill out. Now is this about Ash?" I roll my eyes. "Okay, it is. Is it about the whole cheerleading thing? Well, if you want my opinion, I think you shouldn't do it. It's not for you. You like being by yourself and cheerleading requires teamwork and it's not that I'm saying you're not capable but it's just not your thing." He shrugs. "And making friends is also not your thing. I think Ash wants to make friends with someone social or something I don't know but I do know that he is looking for a girlfriend maybe that's why he was so set on you but I think he has moved onto Chloe or something. But it's okay you have me. I'm here for you." Brandon bumps my shoulder with a smile.
"Thanks." I roll my eyes. "Your welcome. So, about that date?"
"Um, what?" I stare at him. Is he being serious? "You know, earlier you said you would think about it. Did you not mean it?" I shake my head at him. "Sure, I'll go or whatever. Now can we go? Class is going to start soon." Brandon and his friends laugh. "I'll walk you too class but I'm skipping." Brandon gets up from the bench waves bye to his friends before taking my hand and leading me back to the school.