Anika Rose was okay with going unnoticed. She preferred it. It gave her the time to focus only on school and convince her Mom that dance was a worthy career. But at the start of the new year rumours of a new student float in the air. Anika isn't ple...
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The hallways of the school were empty as I walked towards the library, the only sound that could be heard was the faint tapping of my converse shoes. I softly start humming under my breath trying to occupy the empty hallways with sound. It was lunch, Ash and I had planned to hang out in our favourite corner of the library. We both brought a small lunch box that we made especially for the other person. This morning I was so excited to show him what I had made for him.
I put a little bounce in my step as I get closer to my destination when I suddenly hear harsh whispers. The whispers eventually got louder into an almost yelling match. I stop in my tracks as I reach the source of the yelling. Chloe and Brandon screaming at each other in a quaint corner.
"It's all your fault! You ruined the plan! I told you exactly what you were supposed to do, it was so simple! Only a stupid person could screw that up!" Chloe screams inches away from Brandon's angry face.
"I didn't mess it up, your plan was dumb! Don't blame me when you didn't even succeed! You were supposed to make sure Ashton fall in love with you!"
"How could I do that when he was always so focused on Anika! You can so easily point the finger when you're the screw-up!"
"You can go to hell!"
"After you, Brandon." Chloe got closer to him until their lips were practically touching. My eyes widen as they begin making out frivolously.
"Oh my God," I whisper out loud. I turn my head and start walking past them trying to ignore how they were practically swallowing each other whole.
"Anika?!" Chloe's out-of-breath voice makes me jump
"Hey," I drawl. "Just ignore me, get back to that." I laugh slightly.
I hold up my hand and begin to continue walking. "None of my business," I call over my shoulder.
I walk towards Ash with a pep in my step, almost running towards him. "I missed you," I whisper as I crash into him.
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