Who Am I?

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I don't think I'm that dependent on Ash, but what if I am. He and Logan are my only friends. I mean I'll have Amour now but, who knows how long that'll last. Who'll be there for me after them? I mean I was there for myself before them. I protected myself...I could do it again. But I'll be even more lonely. Now that I've had a taste of true friendship I don't want to go back.

"Hey Anni, why did you come so late?"

"Huh?" I look up from my textbooks.

"You came home pretty late," Dad steps into my room taking a seat on my bed. "Oh, I had something to finish up at school." I shake out of my ravine.

"Hmm, is everything okay?" I smile at my dad.

Dad's always been there for me, even supporting my dreams of dancing. He was always there at my every recital when I was younger. Always holding the camera cheering for me and clapping the loudest at the end of every performance.

"Yea, well actually I tried out for cheerleading," I say with a smile. Dad smiles his usual warm smile. "That's great Hun'," I nod.

"That's not all, I made the team."

"Even better. I promise to show up to every one of your meets with a huge banner and megaphone cheering 'That's my daughter'!" I laugh.

"Where's the uniform?" I get up excitedly and walk into the closet. I take the hanger and walk back into my room. "Here it is."

"Oh wow. Now you've got to try it out. I need to take photos." I shake my head and laugh. "Go, go," Dad rushes me. I walk back into the closet a smile spreading across my face

Dad always knows how to make me feel better.

"Look at you," I twirl showing of my uniform. "Oh, Aisha is going to love this." I smile even wider. "Isha!" I call from the doorframe. I hear the familiar beat of Isha's feet against the hardwood.

"What's up?" Aisha pops up in my doorway. "Wow, where did you get that?"

"I'm on the cheerleading team," I say. "No way," Aisha steps into my room reaching for the hem of my skirt. "Are you pranking me?"

"This is so cool!" She squeals. "I can't wait to tell everyone my sister is a cheerleader! You're going to be popular!" Aisha continues to squeal.

"No, I won't be popular. I'm still regular anti-social Anika." Aisha shakes her head and continues cheering. I smile and begin to dance around with her. "I'm a cheerleader," We chant skipping around in a circle.

"What's going on in here?" Mom appears in the door frame her 'work' smile as Aisha calls it spread across her face. "Um, nothing," I mumble. I look down at the ground. Aisha stops cheering and looks at me with a sad smile. I forgot to think about one thing... if mom doesn't like me dancing how is she going to feel about cheerleading?

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