04 | Seven Minutes in Heaven

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As subtly as you possibly could, you dragged Jungkook away to an empty bedroom.

"You didn't tell me he was going to be here," you said, crossing your arms.

"I didn't know," he said, throwing his hands up defensively.

You squinted at him and raised your eyebrows. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Come on," he said, "You had the best sex of your life with a mysterious stranger, and then he stormed out on you the next morning. If I knew he was gonna be here, don't you think I would've told you?"

That's exactly what you were thinking, but you still desperately needed someone to blame for this unfortunate situation you found yourself in. 

Kookie gave you puppy eyes, just like he always did when he didn't want you to be annoyed with him, and they worked every time. You huffed and ruffled his hair.

"You're dumb," you said affectionately, and he smiled at you.

Just then, the door swung open to reveal Jimin standing there. His hair was messily parted down the middle, and he looked just as gorgeous as last night.

"Oh, sorry," He said sheepishly, his eyes apprehensive and a little hurt, but not surprised "I didn't realize you guys were-"

You and Jungkook both cut him off with loud laughter, and Jimin looked confused.

"Absolutely not," Kookie said, shaking his head.

"Never," you said, backing him up.

"She's my best friend," Jungkook said, messing your hair up. You rolled your eyes and smoothed it down, nodding to confirm what he said.

"Oh," Jimin leaned on the door carelessly. You could've imagined it, but you thought you saw him relax a little when he realized the two of you weren't fucking. "I didn't realize you guys knew each other." Despite the fact that he was speaking to the both of you, he still kept determined eye contact with Jungkook, never actually looking at you.

"Friends since the third grade, actually," Jungkook informed him, "Small world, I guess." Jimin nodded in agreement, and there was an uncomfortable silence.

Jimin held the door open politely, and you and Kookie walked past him to get back to the living room. As you went past him you looked up at Jimin's face, and he looked down at you. You locked eyes for a few seconds, his eyes looking more black today than dark brown, and it felt like you were being swallowed up in his gaze. He finally broke eye contact, and the two of you walked back to the living room in silence. 


When the two of you reached the living room you sat down next to Kookie, who seemed to be leaning towards you to try to escape from Jeni, who was desperately clinging to the other side of his body. You stifled a laugh, but refused to scoot over at all. If he was going to bring a date, he could deal with her himself.

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