18 | She Deserves It

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Jimin woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache, smelling like hard liquor.

"What the hell," he mumbled to himself. He stood up and walked to the bathroom in a haze, staring into the mirror. He looked like shit. There were purple bags under his eyes, his lips were cracked and swollen. He could smell his own breath, and it was awful.

He made a face and set to work vigorously brushing his teeth, trying to remedy the stench of desperation and alcohol. 

When he finished doing his best to fix the horror movie that was his face, Jimin walked out to the living room, much more awake, to find Taehyung sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" he asked Tae, furrowing his brow.

Taehyung chuckled, "We talked about this last night."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "I think you know I don't remember anything from last night."

"You weren't even drunk yet when you asked me that," Tae told him.

"I was high on rage," Jimin replied sardonically, "That blacks you out, too."

Taehyung was relieved when Jimin confirmed the fact that he remembered nothing from the night before. He didn't need to deal with Jimin if he actually planned on trying to execute the ridiculous plan he had come up with.

"You wanted me to stay here last night so you could make sure I didn't drink myself to death," Tae told him, smirking. Jimin couldn't help but laugh at the irony.

He busied himself making coffee, and he heard Taehyung flip the TV on to a random show.

"Did you get the message from Hoseok and Yoongi?" Tae called into the kitchen.

Jimin checked his phone and sighed when it wouldn't turn on, "Probably," he called back, "My phone's dead, though. What was it?"

"Their engagement party's this weekend," Taehyung strolled into the kitchen to steal some of Jimin's coffee.

Jimin made a face, "I though last night was their engagement party?" he asked, confused.

"Last night was their engagement," Tae said, snorting, "There's a difference."

"Damn. That was fast," Jimin commented, taking Taehyung's coffee cup from him and drinking the whole thing.

"It's one in the afternoon," Taehyung said. "And Hoseok's a planner."

"Oh, shit," Jimin said with a wince, not realizing how long he had slept, "I was really fucked up last night."

"No kidding," Tae mumbled, leaving the kitchen. Jimin rolled his eyes, thinking about the engagement party. 

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