44 | Peeking Out

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"Are you ready for the fucking wedding," Jungkook launched himself into your bed, completely crushing you. Your sling was off, and he had clearly missed being able to beat you up. Your eyes flew open, and a smile spread across your face.

"Get the hell off me," you laughed, shoving him off and onto the floor.

He sprung back up quickly to his feet, grabbing your arm and tugging you out of bed. You looked over at your clock, which read eight o'clock.

"We've got to be over at Jin's in thirty minutes!" he yelled, "Do you wanna be late?"

You groaned, letting yourself be tugged out of bed and making your way to the bathroom groggily. 

The two of you got dressed quickly in jeans and shirts, not needing to change into your formal clothes until that afternoon. Besides, you would all be running around helping to get things together, and that would be a nightmare in a dress. 

Just before both of you were about to run out the door, Jungkook grabbed your wrist gently.

"What?" you asked, raising your eyebrows at him.

Jungkook cleared his throat and looked down, "I.. uh.. I just wanted to let you know I'm bringing a date to the wedding."

You arched an eyebrow, and small smile creeping onto your face, "Is it that really pretty Lee girl?"

He coughed, "...Yeah, that's her."

"Damn," you laughed, "I didn't realize you guys were still talking."

He slid out the door, holding it open for you to walk through.

"It's not a big deal," he grumbled, "I just wanted to let you know." You bit your lip to suppress another laugh. 

He clearly didn't want to talk about it, so you just nodded and followed him out the door.


Jin's house was already bustling with activity when you arrived. You checked your watch curiously to make sure you weren't late, but it wasn't even eight thirty yet. Everyone was just on time, for once. 

Yoongi was pacing around the living room, muttering under his breath. You stopped briefly to kiss him on the cheek before going to the kitchen, where you could hear voices. 

Taehyung and Namjoon stood in the kitchen, leaning over Taehyung's laptop.

"Namjoon?" you asked, unable to hide the surprise in your voice.

He gave you a sheepish smile, "Yeah. Taehyung convinced Hobi and Jin to let me help. It's the least I could do after everything that's happened."

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