11 | Illegally Wasted

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You didn't think such extreme mental exhaustion was even possible for you until the events of the past few days had happened. Your brain felt like it had been running a marathon with how fast your thoughts were moving, and you couldn't wait to get to bed.

You and Yoongi had found a great present for Hoseok, but it took a lot longer than either of you expected, and Yoongi was desperate not to give up until you had found something. By the time he dropped you off at your apartment, the sun had already started to sink below the horizon.

You changed into pajamas and pulled your hair out of the ponytail it had been in, letting it flow freely around your shoulders. 

You had already turned the lights off and were starting to walk back to your bedroom when there was a knock on the door. You flicked the lights on, confused. The knock wasn't loud, and there was silence after. You were beginning to think you were just hearing things, when there was another knock, this one louder and more insistent.

Hesitantly, you walked over and undid the chain lock. You opened the door a crack, and that's all it took for your visitor to practically fall through the doorway into your apartment.

"Taehyung?" you eyed him with confusion and concern.

"Heyyyyyy," he slurred. "Fancy seeing you here."

You rolled your eyes and closed the door behind him. He was drunk. Very, very drunk.

"Get up," you said impatiently, tugging him off the floor and setting him gently on the couch. "Did you drive here?"

"No, no, of course not," he said, waving his hand at you dismissively, "I Uvered."

"Uber," you corrected with a grin.

"Uver," he insisted. You resigned, rolling your eyes and pouring him a glass of water. 

"What are you doing here?" you asked, setting the water down in front of him. He ignored it, slumping onto the back of the couch.

"You were close by," he said. You rolled your eyes again. He did not live close to you, so there's no way he had gotten drunk at home. You knew you definitely wouldn't be able to get a coherent answer from him when he was this drunk, so you held off with the questions. 

You sat down on the couch next to him and he smirked at you lazily.

"Don't give me that look," you said, pursing your lips at him.

"Pretty," he mumbled, ignoring what you said, "You're very pretty."

"Thanks, Tae," you said sarcastically, knowing he wouldn't hear the insincerity in your voice if he wasn't sober.

"Shh," he slurred, pressing his thumb to your bottom lip gently. You huffed, dodging out of his grasp. He lurched forwards, planting his lips on yours unceremoniously. 

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