13 | Nightmare

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You were awoken by a sharp kick.

"What the hell," you murmured. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, and looking over at Jimin next to you.

He kicked again, one sharp kick. Your mind wasn't processing what was happening, you just stared at him blearily, your eyes not fully focused.

Jimin let out a whimper, like a scared puppy, and your brain completely woke up because of the helplessness of his cry. Another whimper, and a little yelp.

"Jimin," you whispered, gently tugging on his shoulder so he would face you. He complied without waking up, and you could see his face was furrowed and scared. "Wake up," you whispered again, shaking him lightly. 

He didn't stir, and before you could figure out what else to do, his arms were wrapped securely around your waist. You let out a little gasp, looking down at his head, which was nestled into your neck. 

You couldn't move him, obviously. Not when he was latched onto you so desperately, not when his lip trembled, not when you could hear him whining softly in his sleep. You slumped back on to the pillows, Jimin still firmly clinging to you like a very muscular koala bear.

"Don't leave," he whispered, and you knew he was speaking to you.

"I won't," you whispered back, and you felt him snuggle closer to you.

You wondered if this was wrong. Jimin would never act like this when he was awake, so maybe letting him do this was taking advantage of him. You chewed your lip, wondering if he would be annoyed you let him hang onto you when morning came.

"You're so hurt, aren't you?" you murmured to him, gently brushing his hair out of his face. As you touched him, the lines of fear between his eyebrows smoothed out.

"Keep doing that," he commanded softly, still not even halfway awake. You nodded, gently running your fingers through his hair, which was so soft. "That feels good," he told you. His voice was tiny. 

You'd never seen this side of him before. You knew he was hurt, hurt way down in the depths of his heart. But you didn't fully comprehend until now that the coolness and anger was really a mask. He was soft and fragile, and he had been shattered.

"How did you know where I lived?" you asked, barely a whisper. That was the first question that had popped into your mind. You wanted to keep him talking so that he wouldn't fall back into whatever nightmare he had, but you didn't want to wake him up all the way, so you kept your voice quiet.

"Got your address from Tae," he murmured into your neck, "I was gonna come here the other day." You shivered at his words, and at the feel of his breath against your skin.

"Why?" you replied softly.

"Needed to talk to you." His eyes weren't even open, and you knew there was no way he was going to remember any of this in the morning.

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