29 | Passing Notes

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You opened your eyes, immediately confused. You were still curled up in a little ball and pressed against the head board. Ugh, you thought. You must have fallen asleep crying. 

You walked to the bathroom and quickly glanced into the mirror. Your eyes were puffy from crying last night, and your head throbbed from the liquor. You hadn't drank very much, but it was enough for you to suffer a little bit this morning. 

Scared to walk out to the living room and having no idea what you were going to do, you tip toed out of your room.

There was no Jimin in sight.

You checked the bathroom, the kitchen, the room that used to be Jungkook's, but they were all empty. Jimin was gone.

Confused, you checked your phone. You still had several missed calls from Taehyung from last night, and you understood now why he had been calling you. There was a text from Tae that he had sent just a few hours ago.

Hey, it read, Don't worry about Jimin. I came to get him

You furrowed your brow. You clicked Taehyung's name and listened to the phone ring several times before he picked up.

"Hey," he answered, sounding tired.

"Hey," you said, "Was he awake when you got him?"

"Nope," Tae said, "We carried him out."

"We?" you asked, confused.

Tae chuckled, "Yeah, I had to call Jungkook, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get in your house."

"You broke in and stole Jimin?" you asked, biting down on your lip to keep from laughing.

"Sorry about that," he said, "I think we both know I saved the two of you from a lot of unwanted awkwardness this morning."

You laughed, "Yeah, I'm eternally grateful."

"Oh," he said, and hesitated.

"What is it?" you said immediately.

"I just feel like I should tell you... when Jimin woke up he knew what he had done," Taehyung didn't give you time to speak before he continued, "He remembered getting drunk, and he remembered leaving, and he knew there was only one place he would go. He's absolutely mortified, so don't expect a phone call from him anytime soon. But he is sorry."

Shit, you thought. Every time you thought things between the two of you couldn't get any worse, they managed to.

"Damn," you said with a huff, "That sucks. Tell him I said it's okay. This isn't the first time a drunk guy has shown up to my house late at night." 

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