17 | Bad Idea

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Jimin drove home like a maniac, running stop signs and ignoring the speed limit. He was blind with rage, angry at what he had let her do to him. He followed her up to the roof like a dumbass and somehow ended up talking about marriage and love.

"What the FUCK is WRONG WITH YOU," he screamed, banging his fists down on the steering wheel. He pulled up to his house and jumped out of the car, slamming the door so hard he was surprised it didn't dent.

"What's up, man?" Taehyung asked as Jimin stormed into the house.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jimin demanded, not even pausing before he stalked to the fridge and pulled out a beer.

"You wanted me to stay here tonight- remember?" Taehyung reminded him, his words wary. He knew now was not the time for wit.

"I do now," Jimin replied, popping the top off the beer and drinking the whole thing in two gulps.

"Uh.. I can go, if you want," Tae offered, eyeing the beer bottle in Jimin's hand. He tossed it to the floor, where it cracked, but didn't break.

"Do whatever the hell you want," Jimin growled, "I don't give a fuck right now."

Taehyung just nodded, thinking it smartest not to talk right now.

As the night went on, Taehyung watched silently as Jimin drowned his anger and pain in alcohol. He emptied the beer out of the fridge, and ripped the fridge apart looking for a bottle of liquor when he realized they were out of beer.

"Dude, you're gonna give yourself alcohol poisoning," Tae suggested quietly, thinking enough was enough.

"Shut the hell up," Jimin commanded, his words barely discernible, "You're not one to talk about drinking too much."

Taehyung shrugged, giving up easily. He had a fair point. Everyone needed to drown their sorrows every once in a while. Jimin didn't let go and drink himself to destruction very often, so he figured he should give him a break.

"I gotta do something about this," Jimin slurred, falling over onto the counter.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows, suspicious. He knew this could go from normal conversation to Jimin yelling and throwing things very quickly, so he tread lightly.

"Do something about what?" Tae asked.

"This girl," Jimin mumbled, his face pressed into the marble, "She's getting in my fucking head and fucking me up, dude."

Tae let a little smile quirk his lips up; it was good to know Jimin would admit he cared for her, even if he had to be blackout drunk to do so.

"What are you gonna do?" Taehyung asked. It was best to humor Jimin on days like this, so he went along with it.

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