25 | Overthrow The Government

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Jungkook let you fall asleep next to him on the couch, curled up to his chest. You knew it probably wasn't comfortable for him, but you couldn't bring yourself to stand up and walk to your bedroom to sleep all by yourself, cold and alone. 

When you woke up the next morning, he was already awake and staring at the ceiling. You wondered why he hadn't gotten up, and you realized it was because you were cradled into his arm and he didn't want to move and risk waking you.

"Morning," you said, shifting immediately so he could free his arm. He pulled it out gratefully and gave you a smile.

"Morning," he replied, "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," you said, standing up and stretching, "Thank you for that, by the way."

He waved his hand dismissively and stood up after you. He followed you as you padded into the kitchen.

"Do you want breakfast?" you asked him, and he nodded vigorously. You laughed, already expecting that answer. He wasn't one to turn down a free meal. Ever.

You started pulling ingredients out of the fridge as he made himself comfortable on the counter next to the oven.

"You might wanna check your phone," he told you.

"Why?" you asked, squinting suspiciously at him.

"Hobi texted you. He wants you to be the maid of honor at the wedding." he said.

"Really?" you gasped. You had suspected they would pick you, but it was still a pleasant surprise. You ran and grabbed your phone from the table.

As you texted back to tell him you would absolutely be the maid of honor, you paused to look up at Jungkook.

"You read my texts?" you asked him with a small smile. 

He shrugged sheepishly, "Sorry. I needed something to do with my other arm."

You rolled your eyes, laughing, and returned to the kitchen.

"Are you busy today?" you asked Jungkook as you cracked an egg into the bowl.

"Yeah," he said, "My boss wants to talk to me about a pay raise." He tried to sound casual, but you could tell he was excited.

"That's great, Kookie!" you cried, kissing him on the cheek.

He had worked at the same game development company the whole time you had been in college, and he worked his ass off, despite not having a degree yet. It was about time they started paying him according to all the work he did. 

Jungkook smiled proudly, and you went back to cooking. 

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