/4/ They want the same thing. /

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Louise moved two steps back after hitting "some wall" when she tried to go inside her cafe. She almost fell down due to the sudden moment of imbalance, if not for "some arm" which went around her waist in a very swift way.

Whoa. That felt like those in the movies, she smirked as she glimpsed on the face of her rescuer.

Her smirk immediately formed into a gasp after recognizing the face a few inches far from hers.

"Art?! I thought you said you'll come home in the evening? Whatever happened to the recording today? Was it canceled? What time did you arrive?" she bombarded the guy in front of her, who happened to be Art.

Art was still holding both of her arms as she tried to stand properly.

"I moved the recording a day after. I'm seriously tired now, I arrived just now, and I don't think I'll be productive for the rest of the day," Art explained. He was about to speak again but he suddenly looked behind her instead, so she followed his line of sight.

It was Eric.

Eric had both his hands on his pockets, and was observing Art intently.

And Art was staring back.

What the heck's with these guys now? she thought to herself, bewildered.

Art and Eric weren't really close friends, but having her as a common friend, they have no choice but meet each other for a lot of times ever since he met Art in college 15 years back. Meanwhile, she's been friends with Eric since they were 5-year olds, thanks to their moms who have nothing to do but spend all their time together, chatting.

"What's this? Did you have a fight that I haven't heard of?" she asked, both hands on her waist, and her eyes moving left and right to the two guys beside her.

Eric let out a long audible breath.

"Nothing. I still can't get used to the fact that Art now lives in one of the rooms in this place. I'm shocked every time I see you here, bro – I mean, you're seriously famous, I'm even amazed there aren't paparazzi behind me now," he joked as he patted Art's shoulders.

"You don't have to worry about that, my fans give me enough privacy at least when I look like I need it," Art returned the pat as a fist bump.

Eric smiled back.

"Anyhow, I'm famished. How about we unblock the door way, and drink our daily dosages of coffee? I'm pretty sure today was the release of that one flavor from Ethiopia that Lou got through her friend's recommendations," Art pushed her from the back with both his arms stretched out, while Eric followed through after them.

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