/28/ She's awake now. /

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Louise opened her eyes.

Coincidentally, her line of sight was directly on to the digital clock on the bedside table, which shows 10:40AM, Thursday. Her eyes darted to her winter coat that was just placed on top of it.


She blinked repeatedly. She was about to get up if not for some sounds that she can hear in the bathroom. Concentrating, she tried to figure out what the sound was.


Her rapid heartbeat overpowered the sound of the supposed shower.

Excuse me?! Who's showering in MY bathroom?!

She heard more sounds, specifically, the sound of the shower knob being turned off and towel being removed from the rails. As if by instinct, she immediately covered her head with the blanket almost a second before the bathroom door opened.

What was that? Who was THAT?

Panicking, she tried to remember the last memory she can remember to get some answers.

Uh... I waited for Eric to get off from work... Then we went to Yurakucho alley... Then we drank... Then... What happened? But anyway... could it be... Eric???

Wanting to confirm her hunch as soon as possible, she slowly pulled the blanket off her eyes.

First, she saw the feet. She exhaled a sigh of relief when she saw dark gray pants as her eyes went up. He wasn't wearing any top, and the lean physique, specifically, the 4-pack abs - looked very familiar to her and so her eyes immediately jumped to the face.

It's Eric! she screamed inside her mind, as she hastily covered her face in blanket again.

Why? Why is Eric in my room? What on earth happened last night?

She closed her eyes forcefully and continued trying to remember what happened. She can only remember bits and pieces. And some flashbacks. Like the...

He kissed me, she mumbled, face growing redder and redder by the minute.

First, it was Art. Now it's Eric.

Honestly, what the heck's going on?

She tried to remember why Eric kissed her.
I don't remember... I just remember I asked something and he replied with a kiss. What the heck did I ask for him to kiss me?

She can feel that she was really blushing right now.

I mean who wouldn't? That's Eric!

Her forehead knotted at her last thought.

What's with that? So what if it's Eric? she questioned herself.

Before she can even find an answer to that, she heard the sound of a vibrating phone on the other side of the bed. She held her breath as his quick footsteps come nearer.


Her eyes perked up, as well as her right ears.

"Give me 15 minutes."

She heard the sound of the phone thrown in the pillow beside her, and she lowered her blanket to peek again.

He was fixing his light blue long sleeves polo and was facing the life-size mirror in the room. He swiftly got his black tie over his neck and wore his dark gray vest next. Lastly, he quickly tied his long hair into a low pony tail neatly and splashed his perfume three times.

Fine, he's handsome, alright. He's probably a lady-killer there in his office, she frowned.

As he quickly turned to go back to the bed to get his phone, she had no more time to pull her blanket back so she just closed her eyes. She can hear him tearing a piece of note and writing something there.

She faked lazily turning in the bed with a short groan, and pulled the blanket to cover her face again.

There was a moment of silence, and after a few more minutes, she heard the door closed.

She jumped out of the bed so fast that she was sure it would qualify for Guinness World Records.

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