/19/ He's not helping. /

19 1 0

She burst into laughter, almost crying at the same time.

I've been trying to show only my 'lovable dog' features but this gal really just makes me want to unleash the dragon in me.

"I didn't," she said, wiping off tears from her eyes after so much laughing. "I mean, my point is, you guys have been my friends for years, but of course, I can only vouch on your characters as friends. That's what I meant."

"I see. I thought you were suggesting to date me, like some free 1-month trial package," he replied casually.

"You think I'm that insensitive? I wouldn't do that to you, Eric—"

"I wouldn't mind, though?"

Her jaws dropped.

He lamented on his words as soon as he saw her reaction. He was about to retract them, but was distracted by a woman trying to get her luggage from the overhead compartment on top of him. Instinctively, he removed his safety belt and stood up to help the woman.

"Which one, this one?" he confirmed, pointing to the pink duffel bag. She nodded shyly.

I'd do anything to see 'that' same expression on 'her' face, he mused to himself.

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly at him when he gave the bag to her and closed the compartment, which he responded with a very quick smile out of courtesy.

He went back to his seat and pitied how Louise looked – and made him remember that he just dropped a bomb of a statement. She was staring at him with a vacant expression, the same expression she had before he stood up just now.

There's no point making her even more confused now, Eric. Calm the hell down.

"Hey, I'm kidding. You won't be able to afford my professional fees anyway, I'm pretty expensive you know," he bellowed, while re-attaching his safety belt, smirking.

He felt a light jab on his ribs.

She fanned her face with her hands. "Gosh, I was nervous for a second there. You made me remember what Robin told me this morning."


"Yeah. He mentioned something like, I should think about the possibility of you having a thing for me. Who would have thought it was Art having something, though," she added, making a face palm.

So Robin noticed, too.

That means only Louise didn't notice until now.

He grimaced on that thought.

Forgetting yourself? Make that two, he growled at himself, remembering his stupidity.

Eric made a mental note to whack Robin for not convincing her enough.

"I mean, Art is one thing, if I add you into the equation – I'd be damned."

He laughed sarcastically.

"Well, I'll be damned, too. But who knows, try convincing me, and I might consider all those years of us being friends and accept you with a big discount though you'll be on probation status—"

She whacked his shoulders with all her might that made him wail a surprised "Ouch!"

"Seriously. I'm really choosy you know. You should be grateful I'm even offering this," he went on, rubbing his aching shoulders.

She whacked his shoulders even more now, to a point that the women on the other side of the row are already looking at them.

I don't care. This is fun, he smirked.

"You barely passed my standards in terms of brainwave level, but physically, uh—————"

She pulled his ears hard until it reached his seat's arms.

"AAAARGGHHHHH ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch, okay, okay fine, I'll stop, okay? I'll stop, I'll stop, I'll stop—"

She finally released him. He laughed as he tried to massage his left ear that went really brick red after all the pinching. Louise was still pouting and was giving him a deathly stare.

Still laughing, he pulled out the eye mask he had in his pocket and wore it on his forehead. He then adjusted his chair back a bit, and slapped her cheeks twice, softly.

"Lou, I want you to be happy. You know at least that much right?"

She nodded.

"But this time, I just can't help you. I. Just. Can't. So... good luck," he added and ended the conversation, and placed his eye mask over his eyes to sleep.

Louise blinked twice. And more. And some more.

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