/44/ He's the best man. /

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"That was some intense background music for such an intense scene! Congratulations to our groom who perfectly got the garter, and let's have a round of applause again for our newly weds!" the wedding host exclaimed, as the groom and his bride happily shared a long kiss. Everyone clapped and cheered, with some also whistling.

It was February 14, and Louise is currently on the location of the wedding of Eric's older brother, Lawrence Sy. Lawrence is older than Eric by four years. The bride is Grace Chow, an HR working in the same company as Lawrence.

Louise clapped together with everyone. Her eyes darted at Eric, who was wearing a full tuxedo, being the best man. He was very close to his elder brother, after all, there were just two of them siblings.

Standing at 6', with that built, neat man-bun and that manly laugh, he is definitely an eye-catcher.

She pouted as she realized something.

What's with the unnecessary "manly", Lou? Aren't you being too... observant?

Flushing as she realized her actions, she drank her coffee which was part of the buffet. She looked again at Eric after hearing his hearty laugh.

He looks so happy for his brother, she softly muttered to herself, chuckling.

"And now that we have the garter, we now proceed to one of the most awaited parts of the wedding. The bouquet and garter toss!" the host bellowed, which made the people cheer again.

Fek. Gotta sit this one out, as usual, she muttered to herself, with bulging eyes. She's been through a lot of these similar scenarios being still single and she always got away by going for a 'toilet break'.

"So we'll start with the bouquet toss, and according to our newly weds, the joinees of these will not be restricted to just bridesmaids and groomsmen, but instead, extended to their families and close friends as well. And I should add the word, "single", so guys and gals, when I call your name – come over to the front, please!" the host wailed.

Louise was just about 10m away from the toilet door when the host hastily added some... rules.

"No toilet breaks! No sitting this one out!" the host screamed, her finger pointed to her.

Louise looked at the woman who was tugging the host's sleeves as she pointed to her location. It was Eric's mom.

What the heck, Aunt Olive?!

"Okay, so I got the list now, for those of you who were called, please come over to the front," the host explained. "For the gals, come on up! Vanna, Elaisa, Shereen, Suzy, Mau, Louise, Rhian and Carla!"

Louise did a face palm after hearing her name.

I knew it would be like this.

She didn't want to be a kill-joy in such a happy event, so even if she didn't want to join, she just smiled and went in front.

Whatever, I'm just not gonna catch it, she muttered stubbornly.

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