/41/ She's unstoppable. /

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Eric high-jumped in place five times as he heard the announcer called out their attention. The race will now begin anytime soon, and it might be just 5km, but it will be full of sprints and pace-changing moves as they try to get away from the zombies.

He looked at Louise who was having her jacket zipped up by Art. He was about to do that after he finished tying her belt, but he got on it first.


Art did register with them a long time back, when they talked about it in the cafe last quarter. Louise raised it up, saying it looked fun.

His gaze moved back to the announcer when he heard him shout again, through his manual speaker phone. He was standing on top of a truck, and the truck was just beside the entry of the labyrinth-type maze setup with zombies all over the place. They basically need to get to the finish line with zombies attacking them everywhere in that maze, while maintaining at least one of their survivor flags in tact. The zombies at least, can't continue to aim those who got past them already.

"Are you guys READYYYYYYYY?!"

The crowd yelled back "YESSSSSSS!" in unison and full energy.

"Okay! So we'll let you run in batches of twenty anytime soon! BUT! I'd like to ask you... Anyone here up for a challenge?! Anyone, brave enough to step in as the first twenty, and as the zombies' FIRST meal?! Anyone game, step FORWARD now!"

The crowd screamed again in excitement, looking at each other.

He saw Louise stepped forward on the same row as the truck, and high-jumped in place just like he did a minute ago.

Shaking his head, he stepped forward, too – occupying the space on her left as if it's the most natural thing.

Freaking competitive as usual, he smirked as he stretched his legs, foreseeing her decision.

Another person stepped forward, at Louise's right side.

Art, again.

Screams can be heard all over the place at that point.

"Okay! That's a very familiar face we've got here! I'm sure you guys have been turning heads since a while ago, but heck! The gal was the one who went forward first! That surprised me!"

A lot of people cheered as they saw them. Some even took pictures.

Pictures again? Come on, guys...

"So who else wanna join in these three?! No one???"

A earth-shattering chant came from the audience, asking them to go with just three of them.

"GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!"

What the bloody heck, we've become real spectacles now are we? He grunted, shaking his head.

He looked at Art who was stretching as the time came near. He wasn't as active as him and Louise in terms of running, but he was the same type as him when it comes to sports, the type where knowing how to do it runs on their blood – they just go ahead and get it. Art did join a couple of celebrity sportsfest and he was one of those who always came at the top.

He crouched a bit lower as he got ready for the go signal.

Seriously though, three people to a hoard of zombies? Whatever then. I'm gonna support Lou from wherever she needs me to. That guy will support in case I fail to, somehow, he mumbled as he glanced at Art who happened to be also glancing at him at the moment. With that action, they seemed to have agreed for a temporary truce, considering they have the same goal.

He smirked after finally hearing the gun start shot.

Fly, Lou. We got you.

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