/12/ She's still clueless. /

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"I'm telling you, that kid just stormed in like the wind, went inside his room and slammed the door so hard that my ears rang for a moment. I even checked whether the door broke since it was really loud. I was surprised it wasn't."

It was Eric's mom, Olive.

She was wearing her usual yoga attire, casually drinking her tea as she complained to her mom sitting on the same table. Her mom is also wearing her yoga attire.

Oh, so it's yoga day today.

"That's weird. Eric's normally just a cool kid as always. Was it work-related?" her curious mom asked in return.

"Shouldn't be. I mean it was just 7AM then, and he came from jogging, not work," Aunt Olive leaned on her seat, massaging her temple.

Louise tied her hair into a bun. She just woke up and was walking down the stairs when she heard her mom and Eric's mom's "scoop of the day". She can't remember how exactly she reached her own room, because if she's not mistaken – she drifted off along with Art last night due to sleep deprivation. That situation wasn't really unusual for the two of them, since they've been through lots of "org nights" having either parties or study sessions, if not both. They're on the same batch and the same course in their university days after all.

I just really can't remember how I reached my room. Did I wake up unconsciously and moved there?

She already tried knocking at Art's room just across hers, to no avail.

He's probably still sleeping in the staff room, given his state last night.

Torn between the need to greet the "elders" and checking up on Art in the staff room, she heard her mom exclaimed "Baby!" before she can even decide what to do first.

She then walked towards their seat and lightly kissed her mom and aunt's cheeks to greet them.

"You just woke up? Didn't you go jogging with Eric this morning?" Aunt Olive, who looked restless, ask her before she can even say her greetings.

She did a face-palm when her question sinked in though.

Oh yeah... today's a Tuesday!

She totally forgot about the jogging schedule. She turned to Eric's mom again.

"I didn't go today. I stayed really late last night to finish some work," she explained, while fixing up her apron.

Her mom made her turn around and tied the apron herself.

"Don't push yourself too much, dear. You just went for a race, kept sleeping late, and you still have that Japan trip coming up," her mom softly scolded her.

After hearing the word "Japan", Aunt Olive's face suddenly brightened and looked at her.

"Eric told me yesterday that you'll go with him. Any plans?" she asked excitedly. Her mom hurriedly spinned her around like a lucky draw wheel, looking all energetic as well.

She rolled her eyes.

Here we go again.

"Yes, we have plans to buy a perfect grade Gundam Exia and a pink rabbit-ear fleece hoodie at Akihabara," she yawned as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Oh, and also a special edition Gundam mug from the Gundam cafe, and a souvenir Luffy hat from One Piece Tokyo Tower," she added.

Louise' and Eric's mom exchanged looks of hopelessness and went back on drinking their tea.

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