/27/ He's ready. /

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It was the usual atmosphere on the famous entertainment news channel's hall that Thursday morning, specifically, for that week's episode of "Juicy". "Juicy" is a regular weekly broadcast where the host, Chicco, interviews three people for entertainment purposes; and one of those three is particularly for the Q&A segment which is a 10-question session with a particularly trending celebrity.

"Our next guest is, you know very well who he is already. He's trending everywhere now, and I'm sure all of you already saw the photos going around SNS since this Tuesday, right???"

The audience screamed "YES" in unison.

"Good! So! Let's welcome... Art Razon of Cardiac!"

The screams around the hall become even louder as Art entered the stage smiling and waving his hand around. He was wearing a white plain shirt, rugged black pants, black boots, a dog tag, and a bunch of ethnic bracelets on his left wrist.

After exchanging greetings with the host, Chicco, Art comfortably sat on the stool opposite to where Chicco was sitting at.

The audience's voices died down as the show entered the famous Q&A segment.

"Okay! So Art, you know why you are here today, right?"

Art laughed as he answered, "I expected this one, Chicco."

The host cackled and clapped his hands.

"Good. So how are you doing recently, Art?" Chicco started, with a mischievous tone in his words.

Art laughed again.

"I'm doing good, Chicco. Well Cardiac's really busy as usual with the gigs and all – not to mention we're planning to release our 8th album next month, hopefully, so... For all our supporters, thank you very much, and as usual, please visit our official SNS page for more information on our gigs and concerts schedule. Ticket links are also available there, so... See you all there," he explained in detail, and ended it with a flashing smile that made the women in the audience scream "We love you Arrrrttt!" on the top of their lungs.

The audience clapped their hands, including Chicco.

"Alright, so there you go. Without further ado, the usual rules, Art, you can only answer 'Yes', 'No' or 'No comment'. Give me the signal when you're ready," Chicco said, as he prepared his 'flash cards' containing the trivial questions.

Art crossed his legs and arms, and looked Chico straight in the eyes. "Fire."

"Are you in a relationship right now?"

"Are you in love right now?"

"Is it true that the one you're in love right now is also your business partner in a cafe business?"
"No comment."

"Is it one-sided?"
"Hmm. Is there an 'I don't know' option here?"

Chicco laughed and replied, "Okay, I'm allowing 'I don't know' especially for you. Next. Did you plan what you did in the recently trending picture?"

Screams can be heard across the hall everytime Art answered.

"Again, in the recently trending picture, given the chance and same circumstances, will you still do what you did?"
"What's this?" Art asked, caught off-guard. "Uhh.......... Yes?" he chuckled.
Chicco laughed again along with the audience.

"Is the one you're in love right now, the woman in the picture?"
Art smiled and paused for five seconds, and said, "Yes."

Louder screams echoed in the hall.

"Is it a love triangle?"
Art hesitated for a moment before answering.
"I don't know."

"Is the other side of the triangle, the guy also in the trending photos recently?"
"No comment."

More cheers from the audience.

Chicco raised his hand to silence the audience.

"Okay guys, this is the last question. Everyone focus, OK?

The audience became silent, and not even their breathing can be heard in the area.

"If it is," Chicco started, as he alternately looked at him and the flash card, "or will be, in the end, a love triangle, will you, back down?"

After finishing the question, Chico stared into his eyes, and waited for his answer.

The rest of the audience also did the same.

Art has gotten serious as well, and stared back at the host.

"Of course, not."

The hall almost broke down due to the heightened cheers of everyone, even including the people at the backstage.

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