/34/ He's possessive as heck though. /

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Louise crossed her arms, looking perplexed, and waited for his answer.

He sheepishly smiled at her, while cursing at his loose tongue inside his head, "Forget that part."

Her eyes bulged, as if trying to warn him that his attempt to avoid the topic won't work. He raised both his hands up.

"Okay. So. Uhm. I just... kinda warned your previous dates. I mean that would just show they're unworthy of you if they backed down with just glares and a little bit of action anyway—"

"How little exactly is this little bit of action?" she snarled, her jaws dropping on the table.

He smiled smugly and zipped his mouth shut again. Anything he says will be held against him, so he needs to be careful. His restless hands found their way to the Gundam mug he was holding a while ago, and just continued sulking.

"So that's why they suddenly said 'it's not working' or something. Gosh, Eric. you're one heck of a possessive guy, do you know that?" she asked, with raised eyebrows.

"Indeed, I can't believe myself either."

She sighed in defeat and took away the mug from his hands. "Forget it. Don't do it again, okay?" she hissed, while waiting for his answer.

He leaned back on his seat, crossed his arms and sighed.

"You know I can't do that, now, Lou," he said softly as he stared at her. "You do remember that all my ex-girlfriends told me I was cold, or that I never cared. I can't see a trace of that side of myself when I'm with you at all. I also didn't know I was this... full of feelings. I always have so much to give when it's you."

Her cheeks flushed after realizing his point.

"Your presence," he mumbled. "Your existence to me... I won't be able to take it if one day, I'll be deprived of it," he said silently, as if he's talking to himself.

Looking up and staring at her softly, he delivered his confession's closing statement.

"I'm saying that I've been in love with you, for a long time now, Lou," he grinned, though sincerity and worry were all over his face as he said it.

She rested her head on top of the table, hiding her face.

She can't hide her red ears though, he noticed, chuckling.

He pressed his crossed arms in the table and moved his face closer to her.

"I'm not forcing you to answer now, Lou. You can take your time and think about it. Though I can't promise that I will not bug you every now and then, because as always, I feel this serious need to see you, and you know that. You've seen that," he muttered softly, as he played with a strand of her hair.

"Can't you give me some time alone to think? Not just time, but time alone?" she asked with a muffled voice, lifting her face enough to show only her eyes.


"Why not? You were so tame just now, why can't you give that much to me?" she pouted, this time, her whole face was showing.

He chuckled. "Getting arrogant now, are we?"

"This.... tame version of you every now and then... I'd admit, is quite refreshing," she said with a smug face, as she fully lifted her head and faced him, with flushed cheeks.

"Don't get used to it. I'm only tame like this because I need to reserve my spot first—"

"Oh, then let's remove your name from the list right now—"

"Oh, mineth apologies, mineth liege. This worthless servant of yours dareth to utter such insolence," he quickly interrupted her, scowling, with his head bowed towards her as a sign of surrender.

Louise's loud amused laugh echoed in the whole cafe.

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