/46/ She failed so badly. /

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"Bro, Louise has the bouquet," Lawrence mumbled in his left ear, grinning.

"You think I'm blind?" he retorted while smiling.

Lawrence laughed at his response. "Should I just hand this over to you then?" he teased, as he nudged the garter in his arm.

He laughed at his brother's support.

"Throw it wherever. Are you forgetting who I am?" he smirked, as he exchanged a fist bump with his brother.

The host already announced the list of guys joining the garter event, which included him, and so – all of the called-in guys are now at the same area where Louise and the others were before.

"Okay. Just so we don't get another soup-accident incident like before, let's all move a little bit forward, yes, yes, some more, anddddd — that's it," the host instructed them.

They now all looked in front and waited for the signal.

"Ready in 3!"

He slightly crouched in preparation for the battle.


Bring it.


The garter went up almost directly to him. He didn't even had to do anything special with the trajectory it was going, before it got caught in his left hand. He saw her mother running to his brother to hug him, as if thanking him for that act.

If it's going to be like this, you should have just handed it over to me then, he chuckled, as he saw his brother's glinting eyes.

The audience were also laughing – with most of them being relatives who've always pressure them brothers into marrying soon. His eyes went to Louise's spot, and saw her pouting.

He chuckled.

"That was a well-played, rather, almost scripted play there, big brother! Are you egging your younger brother to get married now that you are?" the host hollered, while putting the microphone below his brother's chin.

"Of course," his brother answered, which made the audience cheer again.

"Okay! So now that we have both our bouquet and garter winners, let's now proceed to their version of garter removal!"

The audience cheered again. This time, his eyes caught Louise' mother's eyes, which seemed to have been saying, "Go for it!"

LOL. Everyone's cheering for my lovelife, he shook his head in defeat, as he walked towards Louise. Louise then looked away from him, pouting – making him chuckle more.

"So I'm sure you know what to do right? You have to get the garter from her leg, using your TEETH! Not hands, but teeth! Our groom even had to do a sexy dance, but for you, no need for that, just get the garter! Eazy peazy! Bring the music on!" the host signaled the sound team.

A soft, seductive music just aired immediately after the host asked. The cheers from the crowd were so loud that he saw Louise flinch.

He walked towards Louise until he's just a step away, placed both his hands inside his pockets, and stared at her, while smiling.

"I guess we should start, Lou?"

She sighed and flushed when she responded, "Let's just get it over with."

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