/43/ She has one flag left. /

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She's got only one flag left. I need to get there.

Worried, he looked at the next band of zombies that he needs to get through to reach Louise. His eyes caught a familiar looking guy on the other side of the road where Louise was.


His blood boiled after his level of competitiveness was triggered, and went past the two zombies in front of him like a blitz. After that, he is now in between Eric and Louise.

He heaved a deep sigh, trying to recover his strength.

This race is so full of run-stops that makes it difficult.

He looked at Eric who nodded at him as if he was saying his usual, "Yo". And Louise who suddenly zipped down her jacket until her midriff, probably because she was sweating so much. He then looked forward again, and counted the zombies.

He placed his hands on his waist and exhaled.

Just three.

He faked a run and moved left and right to disorient the zombie. Eric did the same and amidst the sudden disorientation of the zombies, and the impact doubled, Louise managed to do a fast sprint at the center open path. The three of them went past that set.

Eric and him had a fist bump as both of them ruffled Louise's messy hair. Louise was now in the middle because she went through the center gap as he pushed into the right instead. They were laughing at their 'unplanned but successful' stunt, but their smiles were immediately wiped out when they saw the big finish line sign as soon as they turned right.

Because there were eight zombies in front of them, the last ones before the finish line.

Hah. Eight versus three? And Lou only has 1 flag left.

He saw Eric exhaled, while placing his hands on his knees, trying to analyze a solution as he get back his breath. Lou also has gotten serious, zipping her jacket back-up, probably so that the jacket won't keep swinging her vision.

Before he can even move, he heard Eric clapped his hand twice, and shouted "COME!" to the zombies. It was as if he was challenging them, and he was even making faces to agitate them. He checked Eric's flags, and they're all still there.

I see what you're doing, man. Gotcha.

The challenged zombies hurried to Eric's side as Eric rushed forward. Louise then immediately took the open path again, and whirled quickly as she got past one zombie. However, one of the zombies eyeing Eric originally went back to Louise' spot.


He did a sprint in between the zombie and Lou, and since he was blocking the zombie's way, the zombie took his flag instead. After running for about 10m away from the hoard, he looked at Eric's belt, which only had one flag left. Both him and Louise also had one flag left.

"I know you guys helped me out in that last one," Louise said, while wiping off her sweat in her forehead.

He swallowed after hearing her. She did mention in the beginning not to help her.

"But that's okay, because that one's more like teamwork, not just 'protect the princess' stunt. I'll accept that one," she continued, while laughing like a witch.

They all looked at each other and laughed. After walking for a few more meters, the three of them looked up at the finish line above them.

That was one crazy race, he smirked.

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