/7/ He's still speechless. /

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Before Eric can open his mouth to speak, Art suddenly dropped a question.

"You'll go with Eric? How about the store, then?" he asked casually, while pouring his second glass of coffee directly from the brewing pitcher.

"I actually already organized half this week's TO-DOs whole day yesterday including the budget, deliveries and items for seasonal offers. If I push it, I can finish it by Tuesday night. I can definitely go with him, as long as we're back here on Friday evening. Then I can hush on some touch-ups starting Saturday morning. I'll work it out, don't worry," she looked at Art with gleaming eyes as she answered.

Called it. She indeed isn't capable of mind games, Eric thought to himself.

He was about to say something again, but then Art followed-through his concern.

"Where are you gonna stay, then?"

Eric coughed with the critical hit.

Answer properly, Lou, he thought to himself, while avoiding everyone's eyes – including his dark inner self's, if he ever had one.

Louise forked out another piece of bacon, this time, from his plate.

"Depends. Where will you stay, Eric?"

It was Art's turn to cough, then.

Damn. This gal probably took some art of seduction classes without telling me. How can she do this so naturally? Fine, Lou. Let's do this your way.

"I think the HR booked me the usual one, Kitano Hotel," he answered as short as possible.

Louise turned to her phone and opened her booking app. She was typing the dates of the trip there.

"Price is tolerable – I can go to the same one, there are still available rooms. We'll be going when exactly, Tuesday night?"

Hah. Should I feel relieved that she at least wasn't thinking of going in the same room as me? He smirked, laughing at his joke of a situation.

He looked again at Art, who seemed to be having some internal struggle.

And then it hit him.

This guy's into her.

He felt his nerves tighten. Something about that thought irked him big time.

He scratched off all the things he was thinking and stood up.

My mind's a total mess. I need to reset.

"Tuesday night," he answered. "I'll send you the flight details. Meanwhile, I'll take a shower, I feel gross eating without even taking one before. Make sure to tell your mom about this before you decide anything. And keep me posted," he got his plates and mug, and ruffled her hair to bid her goodbye.

"Bro, I'll go ahead first," he nodded to Art, who seemed to have recovered enough to nod back.

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