/54/ He misunderstood. /

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"Eric!" she shouted as she briskly walked towards him.

He continued walking off, and realizing their difference in limb length, he saw Louise changing to a light run as she tried to reach him.

Damn, I can't talk to her right now. I'm a mess. In a serious mess.

He went inside his room swiftly but before he got to close his door, he saw Louise's arms shoved into the gap at the last minute.

This woman didn't just...?!

"WHAT DID YOU JUST DO? Tell me you didn't just shove your arm in the gap? Do you know how dangerous that was?" he scowled at her with raised voice, completely forgetting what he was thinking just a second ago. He grabbed her left arm to quickly check, and sighed in relief when he confirmed she wasn't injured in any way.

She quickly slipped past him and closed the door behind him.

"It's because once you closed this door, I won't see you until morning. And you'll assume and conclude things. I've known you long enough to judge that," she panted anxiously.

Really, this woman, he gritted his teeth. He couldn't scratch off from his mind what would've happened if his muscle reflex was a little off and accidentally slammed the door into her nimbly wrist.

His vein popped out on the involuntary imagination that he just thought from his own statement.

"You won't see me until morning is different from you not seeing your arms, Lou," he continued to scold her, after massaging his temple.

"I'm sorry. I won't do that again," she muttered in a worried voice. She might have seen how his face became pale after what she just did.

She knows how much I worry on things like these and she just go ahead and...

He leaned his body against the study table behind him and continued massaging his temple. He still can't get over the possibility of an accident he would've caused her.

I was scared s***less that I forgot I have a big problem.

"Okay, fine, Lou. Since you're desperate to talk to me, even sacrificing your arm in the process, I'll let it go this time. But DON'T, ever, do this kind of dangerous stunt again. Okay? Are we clear?" he asked in a serious, but softer voice, more like pleading.

She nodded continuously and he sighed.

You can do this. You need to do this.

"I know you went here to explain. But, you really don't have to," he looked away as he tried to keep his emotions in check.

This... hurts.

"But Eric—"

"I mean... I know," he interrupted. "You've been obviously waiting for Art this whole week, checking your phone, trying to reach him, checking the time and looking outside whenever someone arrives with a white car. I should've known. I should've expected this, but... I mean, I still chose to hope until the last possible minute."

But in the end it's that, huh?


"Give me time," he interrupted her again. "I know that in the end, you have your choice on this. That's why I didn't want to talk today at least. Allow me to calm myself down and—"


His head rang with her amplified voice and his brain shutted down immediately after.

"Can you listen to me first, you big dumbo?!"

She had her hands on her waist, looking all impatient. His jaw dropped. He blinked repeatedly, trying his hardest to understand the situation.


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