/36/ He won't back out, too. /

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Louise scuttled away hurriedly. She was far away in sight before he heard Eric speak just beside him.

"Yo," he nodded at him, and he nodded back.

He bent forward and leaned his arms, over the rails just beside them.

"That's her luggage right? You can leave it here. I think you can go now, since we'll leave right away anyway. I'll send her home myself – I'm sure Lou already told you?" he clarified, while looking at the neon green luggage bag that he was holding.

"She did tell me quite... last minute. I'd like to scram now too, but, you see... My car keys are with her. I usually ask her to hold them for me," Eric smirked. "You know, force of habit," he added, while looking at him.

He felt a hint of agitation after hearing what Eric said, but he tried his best not to show it, and glanced back at the spot where Louise disappeared to.

"So I saw your interview with Juicy," Eric opened up.

"Ah. I tried my best not to divulge any info. Though I can't guarantee that the media will not find you eventually. They already tried indirectly asking that during the interview, if you saw it," he explained.

Eric leaned his back on the railings behind them, facing the direction of the toilet. He was facing the other way as him.

"Nah, it's okay. They'll soon sniff my existence anyway," he grunted, while moving Louise's luggage in the space between them, away from the people's path.

His forehead knotted, because Eric's tone seemed unfinished.

"Because you said you won't back down right? So they'd be sure to follow through that declaration of yours", Eric continued, smirking again.

His forehead knotted even more now.

What's he on about now?

Eric then stood up, from his leaning position, and stepped forward, his back blocking his vision.

"Love triangle, I mean. After all, I'm officially the third side since yesterday," he uttered. "And just to let you know, I'm also not backing down. So I guess I'll see you around," he muttered as he sharply stared straight to his eyes, as he stared back.

He was about to say something back, but before he could do so, he already walked forward as he ambushed Louise, who was walking briskly towards them. He saw her getting something from her bag, giving it to Eric, and Eric ruffling her hair before finally leaving.

Her blush from his action didn't escape his observant eyes. And he could feel his blood boiling a bit watching all that happening on the sideline.

The worst case scenario indeed, he gritted his teeth.

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