L I L A C Pt.1

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Present day

A first love as pure as Lilacs

I watered the flowers for the last time and turned my open sign over to closed then I flicked the lights off and locked up. The clouds sobbed and dripped creating big puddles, I walked along the grey sidewalk only listening to the click of my heels against the pavement and the soft tap of rain drops hit the umbrella. I got on the bus as I always did on Fridays and raced the raindrops running down the windows glass until my stop arrived. I walked the up the dirt drive way and as I was approaching my grandmothers home I noticed a figure standing outside her house. My heart dropped,
"Taehyun?" I asked.
He turned around startled, "Amora!" He called out happily. We embraced each other tightly laughing.
"Kang Taehyun, look at you. You've gotten so tall!" I observed.
"Haven't you heard, I'm a man and men are supposed to be tall and strong." He said flexing his arm. I laughed at him and went inside. Grandma was in her kitchen watering her green onion plant that sat at the windowsill above her sink.
"Grandmother?" Taehyun called.
She turned around and brightened up, "Ohh my Taehyun!" She said pulling him into a hug.
"Look at you, how has college life treated you?" She asked him.
He smiled, "Very well grandma, Freashman year is almost over for me." He replied.
I pinched his cheek, "have you been skipping meals? You look so thin." I pointed out.
"I've missed grandmothers cooking so much." He replied earning a grin from grandma.
Taehyun is the neighbors youngest grandchild and just recently went to college abroad. He used to spend every summer here with his uncle and loved to come over the fence to hangout with us when his uncle was working.
"Let me help you get that." Taehyun offered to grandma who was reaching high for a bowl in the cabinet. As he reached up his shirt got untucked from his pants and that's when I noticed something on his side, it looked like a scar but he quickly covered it back up again.
"Oh thank you darling." Grandma said patting his cheek softly.

As Taehyun and I both made our way out I stopped him in the driveway.
"What is that on your side?" I asked.
He shrugged, "I don't know what you mean."
I walked over to him and pulled up his shirt.
"Yah, let go!" He yelled at me.
I was right it was a scar but not just any scar, "A gang brand..." I said out loud. He quickly pushed me off and covered it.
"It's none of your business." He said.
"Taehyun you are a smart boy why would you get involved in such things?" I asked him disappointed.
"I needed the money to pay off my debts." He replied looking at the ground.
"What debts?" I asked.
He took a deep breath, "I lost my scholarship after the accident and I needed money to pay for college."
"I thought you said they were still gonna pay for your college."
"I lied so no one would worry." He confessed. I pulled him into a hug and he began crying into my shoulder.
"I don't know how to get out of this gang and I'm so scared." He cried.
"You should have come to me sooner, you know I always have your back." I replied patting his back to calm him.

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