P O P P Y pt.3

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Jinyoung and I parted ways and I went home.

I unlocked the door and turned the corner lamp on.
"Where were you been?" My uncle Jay asked sitting on my sofa. He had his face in his palms leaned over onto his knees. I pulled at my sleeves nervously and kept my head down.
"Do you know how worried I've been?" He asked. I kept quite.
He scoffed, "I thought we were going to find you dead in a ditch." He scolded.
I laughed, "Well sorry to disappoint you Uncle Jay but I'm still here." I said sharply.
He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "What did you just say?" He asked angrily.
"I know you and my other aunts and uncles would love to see me gone." I replied.
"You have no idea what you are talking about." He said shaking his head.
"whatever." I replied about to walk upstairs.
He caught by arm and pulled me into a hug, "You are my twin sisters little girl, you are like a daughter to me how could you ever think I don't want you." He said.
I pushed him off, "I'm not your daughter and I certainly am not her daughter either." I boiled.
"Amora." He started.
"I am an orphan all over again. Look around, she isn't here ." I yelled
"She loved you so much." Uncle Jay said patting my shoulder.
I slapped his hand away, "Then where is she?" I asked angry.
"I hate her." I said through my teeth.
He looked hurt, "You don't mean that you are just stressed."
"I hate her and I hate you too."
"A-amora." He started.
I cut him off, "Get out of my house." I stomped up the stairs. I felt like destroying everything but I also didn't want to touch anything because Grandma would be sad knowing I messed up the beautiful room she decorated for me. I laid in bed for hours.

I woke up the next morning to loud yelling, "I need to see her!" Namjoon's voice yelled.
My door swung open and Namjoon stood in the door frame breathing heavily.
"N-namjoon." I said softly.
"Where have you been?" He yelled at me.
"Where the fuck have you been?" He yelled.
"I was with some friends." I replied.
Namjoon scoffed, "No. No you weren't because all you're friends were here looking for you for a weeks."
"I was with Taecyeon."
I could feel his rage, "So what jinyoung told me about last night is all true?"
"If what all he told me is true I'm going to fucking murder Taecyeon." He threatened.
He grabbed me by my chin roughly and stared into my eyes, "It is true." He concluded.
I pushed him away and stood up, "Just go away Namjoon." I said softly.
"Your a pill popper now? Your some fucking drug addict now?" He yelled.
"You wouldn't understand so just go." I said.
"But Taecyeon and Felix do understand." He yelled.
"Yeah they do!" I finally yelled back at him. I could see his jaw clench and his fists ball up.
"Just get the fuck out of here. I don't want to talk to you" I explained.
"Do you think pills are going to help you heal?" He asked.
"Just get the fuck out of my face. You aren't my dad and you certainly aren't my boyfriend." I yelled at him.
"I'm here because I care about you." He said.
"Maybe you should focus on how your parents divorced because of you before you start trying to fix me." I brought up his parents.
I could see the hurt in his eyes. Without a word he slammed the door and stormed out of the house.
"Joon you know she doesn't mean that." Uncle tried to counsel him. Namjoon brushed him off and kept walking.

My Uncle opened my door, "That's it." He tossed me a homemade bat.
"Just leave me alone." I said.
He stuffed me into his pickup truck and drove me to a barn in the middle of nowhere. I followed him into the barn and it was filled with run down cars that look like they were used for scrap parts.
"This place is called Neverland. You can be as loud as you need to be."
I stared at the car.
"Hit it."
I swung the bat into the cars side without effort. Then I hit it again and again then I drove my bat through the windshield. I kept beating the car over and over again I felt the rage boil over and I began yelling. With every blow to the car I felt a sense of release. I busted the windows out of the car and then I hit the hood over and over again, I felt all my emotions overwhelm me and I dropped to my knees sobbing. My chest raised and fell with my heavy breathing.
My uncle came to my side and held me as I cried, "It't fine. You're okay kid." He reassured me. I was shaking in his arms, "I want to be okay, but I'm so angry and sad, all the time. I just want to be okay again."
He ran his hand over my hair over and over again, "I know, I know." He kissed the crown of my head. We sat there, he held me tightly to his chest as I shook and cried.
He took me home.

A few days later I had cold sweats and shivering throughout my body, "I-I'm scared Uncle Jay." I said looking up at him from my bed.
"It's called withdraws." He explained. He held me down.
"Uncle please I need the pills, please uncle help me." I cried.
He shook his head, "I am helping you kid. You are going to get through this." He comforted me. He held me down.
the tears streamed down my face, "I-I'm going to die if you don't have the pills Uncle Jay."
I looked up to find Namjoon standing in the door frame behind Uncle Jay with tears in his eyes.
I swallowed hard, "I thought you weren't coming back."
"I didn't think so either." Namjoon replied.
"I-I didn't mean it." I said sadly.
"I know." Namjoon said sitting next to me in the bed. He held me and I laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
"Do you hate me?" I asked guilty.
"I could never hate you amora." he replied holding me.
"Why did you come back?" I asked.
"What can I say... I missed you." He said smiling.
I cried into his shirt and felt myself violently shake.
"Why would you do this to yourself?" He asked. I could fee the pain in his voice and he held me tighter.

"I got addicted to something that made the pain go away."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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