L I L A C Pt.3

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I lied.

As I walked to work I felt the lie haunt me. It was the first lie I told her since we became friends back in high school. I unlocked the shop and that's when I noticed there was a bundle of lilacs sitting at my doorstep. They were tied with a red ribbon. I picked them up and looked around but the morning streets were empty. I went into the shop and stared at the lavender flowers and silk red ribbon. Who would leave this?  I opened up shop and watered the plants as customers flooded in and out. A little girl with black curly hair tired back in two pigtails and a cute yellow dress wondered into the store and looked at all the flowers. She was alone.
"Hey there little one." I greeted her. She turned to me and smiled.
"Hello." She replied.
I looked around again, "are you here alone?" I asked.
"I'm looking for someone for my friend." She said.
"Oh okay and who is your friend?" I asked.
She smiled, "I'm not allowed to tell anyone who he is  because he is a super spy." She whispered.
I nodded, "oh a super spy, okay. Can you tell me who the super spy is looking for?" I asked.
"He said he is looking for a boy who visits here a lot, Kang Taehyun. Do you know him?" She giggled.
"He wanted to know if you liked the flowers." She reported.
I stuttered, "W-where is he?" I asked.
"I can't tell you because it's against the rules of the game." She told me.
"Tell him I don't like them." I told her giving her the lilacs.

The clock hit 5pm and I turned the open sign to closed then I began putting the plants away. The bell at the door rang indicating someone entering.
"I'm sorry but we are closing up shop." I said bending down to put the boxes of fertilizer away.
"Why didn't you like the lilacs?"
It was a males voice. My body froze and I felt my heart drop.
"Pardon?" I played dumb. I reached for the gun taped to the underneath of my desk. I could see his figures shadow on the ground as he stood in the middle of the store touching the flowers I hadn't put away yet.
"I left you lilacs and you sent them back to me. Now that I'm looking around I'm noticing you don't sell lilacs, why is that?" He asked.
"They don't sell well, they don't hold any sentimental value." I replied trying to find my bullets.
"The purple Lilacs represent first love, how much more sentimental do they need to be." He laughed.
I laughed, "I see you know your flowers."
"I could say the same thing about you, you made a living on flowers." He pointed out.
I kicked a pot over to cover the sound of my loading the 8mm pistol.
"Are you okay back there?" He asked.
"I'm fine." I replied.
I head his footsteps coming closer and I counted his steps until I knew he was close enough for me not to miss my shot.
"Actually the real reason I don't grow Lilacs is because they are my least favorite flower." I said.
He scoffed, "how can they be your least favorite flower?" He asked. I noticed his shadow turning away with his back towards me giving me the perfect opportunity. I took a deep breath and stood straight up aiming the gun at the middle of his back.
"One more step and I'll kill you."
He turned around with a smile across his face with his hands in his pockets.
"Hello Amora." He said.
I felt the air leave my lungs and I froze there.


A first love as pure as lilacs

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