P O P P Y pt.1

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Flashback  (the Darkest days)

I got addicted to the poppy flowers that take the pain away

I threw back another mystery liquid in a plastic red cup. A million sweaty bodies swayed and danced to the beat. The different colored lights flashing finally got to me so I stumbled out of the crowded living room to the backyard.
"I thought parties weren't your thing." I turned to find Felix sitting on the steps with a bottle of whiskey.
I sat next to him taking his bottle, "Well things change." I replied. I chugged the whiskey letting it burn my throat.
"Ah I see...so what are you trying to numb?" He asked.
I took a second, "Everything." He chuckled taking a sip at the bottle.
"The school pressure finally getting to you?" He teased.
I giggled, "No......my grandmother is dying and my uncles and aunts want to pull her plug so they can collect the money."
I brushed my thumb over the half empty bottle, "First my mother leaves then my dad passed away while he was doing his military service and now the only person who loves me is dying and I can't to anything about it."
I laughed, "I'm all alone." I paused to drink, "Alone and broke." i smiled.
"Here." He handed me a small white pill.
"what is it?" I asked.
He smiled, "It's called cloud9. It'll numb you a whole lot faster than whiskey will." He said dropping it into my hand.
I looked back up at him, "I just told you I don't have any money to pay for this." I said.
He looked away from me, "It's free. When my older brother passed in that car accident I really needed something to numb the pain so I understand where you are coming from." I swallowed the pill and closed my eyes.
I looked down at my hands, "My dad left me money in a bank account I can't touch until I'm 24. If I died the money would instantly go to my Grandmother and it would be enough to cover her expenses." I scoffed.
"I already feel dead, but if I really was gone all her problems would be solved. I ruin everything I touch." I clenched my fists.
"Do you have someplace to stay?" He asked.
I nodded, "I've been staying in my grandmothers house." I replied.
He stood up and held his hand out to me, "Do you wanna come with me to the rails instead?" He asked. I took his hand and followed him through the back alleys and down pipes to the old railroad track in the woods. The rails were known to be the stomping grounds for gang fights and drug overdosing. We sat inside an abandoned train with a few more people I didn't recognize. The train and the tracks were overgrown and the elements were rotting the outside but the inside was lit with hanging lights and nice chairs and couches.
"Amora? Didn't think I'd see you here." Taecyeon giggled sitting next to me on the bean chair.
I threw the bottle out of the train and heard it shatter against the rocks, "Do you have a problem with it?" I asked stone faced.
He smiled brightly, "Not at all but your lucky I find you cute. if you look at other people here like that you might end up dead. So if you don't have a death wish newbie I suggest you play nice." He laughed.
I took the bottle out of his hand and chugged it without knowing what was inside, "Who says I don't have a death wish?" I asked giving him the bottle back.
One of his men yanked me up off the bean chair and held me by my shirt, "How dare you touch bosses drink without permission?" the big guy yelled at me.
I laughed, "What are you going to do about it?" I asked.
"Let her go BM she is a close friend. It's alright." Taecyeon stood up for me. BM let go of me and I sat back down drinking more.
The girl that had pulled me off the roof edge that one morning climbed into the train.
"Sage your here!" Felix smiled.
She looked at me, "What are you doing here? This place isn't for people like you." She said bending down to me.
I rolled my eyes, "you really can't mind your own damn business can you sage? First you pull me off the roof and now you tell me where I can't hangout. It's almost like you think I care about your opinion." I laughed.
She balled her fist up, "You really are a piece of work Amora." Taecyeon three her a black backpack and she was on her way.
"here." Taecyeon handed me another small white pill. As soon as I swallowed the resurfaced pain and aching went away. Smoke filled my lungs and the train as they began hot boxing it. All the pain all the emotions just drifted away and my eyelids got heavy and I fell asleep on the bean chair.

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