H Y A C I N T H pt.2

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"Your lips."

"Mmm." He hummed. I felt his hands find my waist as he closed the space between us. He lifted me up and sat me on the counter with ease. He stood between both my legs and never broke eye contact. His hands traveled down to my thighs as he leaned into my neck. He pulled me to the edge of the counter and spread my legs. I could feel his breath on the hallow of my neck. I tilted my head back closing my eyes as my hands were making their way up to his hair. I could feel tingling sensations going down my spine and warmth in my cheeks. I really missed him.
I felt his lips brush against my neck as he spoke. "You make it impossible to control myself." He whispered. He got away from my neck and his thumb brushed against my bottom lip as he bit his. I caressed his cheeks with both hands still staring at his eyes. He dropped his head and let it hang for a second with a sigh.
"You look so innocent and small. We are going to have a big problem if you keep looking at me like that." He giggled. He looked back up to me and I couldn't help but bite my lip at the way he looked at me so deeply. I held his tie in my hand and pulled it ever so slightly as he leaned closer to my face. His lips where so close I could feel heat.
Suddenly the store doors bell rang, "Amora! I've been waiting for like 20 minutes, we are going to miss dinner." Taecyeon said looking at the watch on his wrist.
"Taecyeon!" I yelped pushing Namjoon away from me so I could jump down.
Taecyeons facial expression hardened, "Namjoon." He spoke sharply.
Namjoon adjusted his tie, "Taecyeon."
I walked to Taecyeon but before I could get a word out he dragged me outside holding the door closed. I could feel his stare stabbing me.
"Amora." He started.
I pulled at my fingers, "I know, I know."
"Apparently you don't because if you did you wouldn't be making out with Namjoon." He scolded.
I looked down, "I didn't kiss him."
He rolled his eyes, "If you two start and Namjoon decides to leave out of the blue He will be tagged as liability and you know how Lorenzo deals with liabilities." He reminded.
"I have a hard enough time protecting you as it is, you are my top priority. You know I will pick you over him if it comes to that." He said.
"I know." I replied.
"And last time we heard from Namjoon he broke you. Hyunjin, Felix, and I were the ones who put you back together again. If I have to see you go through that again I promise you I will kill Namjoon." He reminded.
I nodded, "He could have changed."
"I doubt that and even if he did I will always hate that guy." He cracked his knuckles.
"I'll get rid of him." I replied.
I stepped back into the store to find Namjoon sitting on the counter waiting for me.
He smiled, "So you and Taecyeon still hangout?" He asked.
"Yeah, something like that." I replied.
He took a deep sigh, "Can't say that thrills me, actually I'd say I hate the fact that you two are friends." He replied.
"He is a good guy, he has really changed." I explained.
Namjoon scoffed, "I doubt that and even if he did I will always hate that guy." Namjoon clenched his jaw.
"Don't worry I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual." I said.
He laughed, "What did Taecyeon have to say?" He asked.
I swallowed hard, "I actually have to go now."
He hopped off the counter, "Okay, well I'll just come see you tomorrow." He smiled.
"Actually I don't think you should." I replied.
He looked up confused, "Why do you say that?"
"Because...I don't want to see you tomorrow." I replied.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Okay...then I'll come the day after tomorrow."
I looked up, "I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I don't want you to see you ever again."
He looked taken off guard, "I don't understand, you just said you missed me."
I knew he wouldn't leave unless I was ruthless, "And you said you would never leave me but you did. I guess you could say I said that in the heat of the moment but that feelings long gone now if I'm not mistaken by what you said all those years ago." I said sharply.
"That's not fair." He said sadly.
"But you leaving without a goodbye and taking all your things from me like you were never there is fair to me?" I asked.
His looked down, "I know that was messed up but let me explain-"
I cut him off, "You don't have to. I don't care what your excuse is, 17 year old Amora waited and you didn't show up and now she's gone too."
He grabbed my hand, "Where is all of this coming from?" Taecyeon put his hand on my shoulder to let me know he was behind me supporting me.
"I think it's time for you to leave." Taecyeon replied to Namjoon.
"Did you say something to her?" Namjoon asked.
Taecyeon scoffed, "Only the truth, I'm here to protect her."
Namjoon grabbed Tacyeon by his shirt, "Were you protecting her when you got her addicted to pills? I was the one who held her through her withdraws." Namjoon snapped.
"And I was the one who held her when you left." Taecyeon replied.
I pushed them apart, "Namjoon, just go." I pleaded.
Taecyeon grabbed my hand, "Fine If you wont take the hint then we will leave first. And if we ever see you near here again I'll call the cops for stalking." He said.
"Wait-" Namjoon started but the door slamming cut him off.
Taecyeon buckled the helmet onto my head and we got onto his motorcycle speeding past Namjoon.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
Namjoon watched helplessly as we disappeared from sight.

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