P O P P Y pt.2

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It felt like the minutes were crawling by. I knew days had gone by because of the sun crossing the sky. I stumbled out onto the railway and laid there. The stars shined brightly and I could feel the cold metal tracks through my shirt. I could hear my own slow heartbeat in my ears. I felt none of the pain I knew I should be feeling right now.
"Fuck you," I whispered into the endless sky.
"Amora?" Jinyoung stood over me, "Where have you been?" He asked.
I sat up, "How did you find me?" I asked.
"Namjoon has everyone looking for you, no one has seen you for a whole month." He explained.
I laughed, "That can't be, Jenny's party was just last night." I replied.
Jinyoung bent down and shined his flashlight in my eyes, "A-are you high?" He asked.
I pushed his light away, "No I'm not." Felix grabbed a fist full of Jinyoung's shirt and pushed him against one of the abandoned scrap cars.
"Who the fuck are you?" Felix said in a deep voice.
"Felix, it fine. He's my friend." I explained.
Taecyeon put his arm over my shoulder, "Is this guy bothering you Amora?" he asked.
I shook my head, "No, he's my friend." I explained. Felix punched Jinyoung in the gut causing him to lunge forward.
"Felix!" I yelled. Taecyeon turned me around and we walked away from them.
I tried to look back, "Jinyoung! Taecyeon, I told you he is my friend!" I yelled.
"We can't trust him to not talk about our cloud9, but don't worry we won't kill him. Felix is just roughing him up a bit to scare him." Taecyeon replied pulling me closer. I looked over my shoulder and Jinyoung was on his knees with his head hanging low. I could hear him crying. I kept walking with him but my throat had a growing pain in the back, guilt. I tried to fight the feeling but it wouldn't go away as I heard Jinyoungs pleas for help. Fuck!
"I want to go home."
"What did you say?" Taecyeon asked.
I took a deep breath, "You said you'd let me go home at any time. I want to go home." I said.
He let go of me, "And I also told you that when you leave you can't take any cloud9 with you." He reminded.
"I know," I replied.
"You are going to go home and suffer through all that pain for that friend of yours?" He asked.
"Yes." I ran back and put Jinyoungs arm over my shoulder and dragged him out of there. I didn't want to leave. I looked back and saw Taecyeon and Felix standing at the tracks staring at me.
"Amora, don't throw this away. Remember all the pain you were going through do you really want to risk all this?" Felix asked.
I kept walking, "Yes, I do." I lied.

we stumbled through the woods but finally got to the road.
"Why would you be there of all places?" Jinyoung asked.
I sighed, "Why would you go there?" I asked him furiously.
He took a deep breath, "Everyone thought you ran away. I went to the train track because that's were they dump dead bodies according to the newspaper so I was looking for...." He stopped.
"...You were looking for my body?" I finished the sentence.
He looked down, "Everyone is worried about you...Namjoon is really worried about you."
"Whatever." I felt more guilt choke at my throat, how would I face Namjoon?

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