S T A T I C E Pt.2

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"You don't have to raise your voice." Sage said calmly.
"Raise my voice! You kidnapped some random stranger!" I scolded her.
"She's not a random stranger, she's a rude random stranger." She added.
"You know for a flower shop owner you sure are loud. Chill out Amora it'll be fine." She smiled offering me an ice cream.
"Sage what happens if you get caught this time? What will your mom say?" I asked. Sage grabbed a fist full of my shirt and pulled me up a little in a threatening manner.
"Shut up." Sage said through her teeth. I could feel her fists shaking and her calm exterior broken into a boiling rage.
"She cares about you." I added softly.
Her grip tightened, "If you don't shut up now I'll break your jaw."
"I'm just trying to look out for you." I said swallowing hard. She slowly released me from her grip allowing me to breath again. Sage's mother left her father and her when she was 7 months old and just came back into her life recently. Sage's mother was now the head of the police department in Seoul which Sage took as an absolute betrayal.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." she trailed off.
"No mentioning her under any circumstances." I promised.

We pedaled back to the penthouse where we lived together. Sage ordered the most expensive wine and fried chicken and we had a movie night until her father barged in asking questions about the kidnapped girl in his bars cellar.
"She's branded." He exclaimed. Branding's meant that she belonged to another gang with wasn't uncommon but then he explained how her marks were from another gang they don't have an alliance with.


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