D A I S Y Pt.1

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Flashback (The Bad Days)
4 years earlier

Innocent little daisy

The sky was a grey ominous sea pouring down onto everything in big tears. The wind was a rushed whisper and blew at my wet uniform.
It would only take one step to fall.
It would only take one step to end it all.
I balled my fists up and closed my eyes. Today is the day I die. I lifted my foot and leaned into my step.
I felt my body slowly leaning forward until a violent jolt whipped me back and made me stumble back into the roof. I fell down onto my ass as a figure stood over me.
"And what the fuck do you think your doing?" The girl asked.
I squinted at her.
"You could have fallen." She said
"That's none of your business." I said quietly.
The girl grabbed me by my uniforms tie, "I just saved your ass, the least you could do is be thankful." She said.
I slapped her hand off and got up.
"I didn't ask to be saved."
"Are you drunk? High? Who doesn't want to be saved from falling off a 5 story building?" She asked.
I scoffed, "I wasn't falling."
Her angry expression soften, "You weren't falling....you were jumping." She concluded. I dusted myself off and kept my head down.
I made my way towards the roof door when she caught me by the crook of my elbow, "You can't just kill your self, what would your parents do without you?" She asked angrily.
I shook her arm off, "Just worry about yourself."

I went about my day normally until the last bell of school rang letting all its students pour out of its halls. I made my way to this particular ally I knew I'd find him. Taecyeon. He was a few years older than me and a college dropout. He was a infamous figure in the community for gang affiliation and drug smuggling.
"Little red riding hood, what brings you to this side of the woods?" Felix asked. He was a underclassman at my school who was jumped into the gang only a few months ago.
"Felix, leave the poor girl alone." Taecyeon said sitting on the hood of his red car.
"Fine." Felix said getting out of my face.
"Little Amora Lee, never thought I'd see you on this side of the tracks." Taecyeon said to me with a smirk.
"Well I'm here." I managed to sound more confident than I felt.
"Here you are indeed." He smiled. "What can I do for you little lady?" He asked.
I licked my lips with anticipation, "I need a gun." I replied.
The surrounding guys looked me up and down with surprise. Taecyeon himself looked a little taken aback.
"A gun is not a toy sweetheart, it'll kill." He stared at me looking for hesitation but there wasn't any.
"I'm counting for it." I replied.
He threw his toothpick and smirked, "You planning on killing someone sweetheart?" He asked.

 He threw his toothpick and smirked, "You planning on killing someone sweetheart?" He asked

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"Can you help me or not." I said pulling the wad of cash out of my jacket pocket.

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