H Y A C I N T H pt.3

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"I'm sorry...."

I wrapped my arms tightly around Taecyeon as he sped on the highway.
"...Are you okay babes?" He asked helping me off the bike. I took his black helmet off my head and brushed through my hair with my fingers before entering Lorenzo's manor.
I picked denial, "Why wouldn't I be." I answered. We both made our way up the stairs past the guards.
"You did the right thing. If he got caught up and ended up hurt you would blame yourself." He patted my back.
"Yeah. I know."
I replayed the situation in my head over and over again trying to remember how he smiled. I got lost in thought daydreaming what would have happened if Taecyeon hadn't showed up when he did.
I snapped out of it and realized I was standing in front of the mirror fully changed into the dress Sage designed for me. It was a black lacy dress that was skin tight and as soft as silk. She made me wear red stilettos with it and her other stylists were putting make up on me and doing my hair.
I looked behind me in the mirror to see Sage wearing a even shorter dress than mine that was a royal blue. She wore her outfit with total confidence and elegance.
"Sorry, I was daydreaming." I replied.
She put her hands on her hips, "Are you okay? You've been out of it since you got here. Did Taecyeon say something mean to you because if he did I will fuck him up for you."
"No, no. It has nothing to do with Taecyeon." I replied.
"then what is it?" She asked.
I pondered for a second, "...Just a long day at the shop, I'm a little tired." She nodded and let it go. She led me to the ball room where the party had already begun. She wondered off away from me to handle gang duties so I made my way to the bar.
"You didn't tell Sage about him." Taecyeon observed. I held my glass of red wine in my hand.
"There was nothing to tell." I stated.
He put his empty glass down, "Babes, I know you might not talk to me but you should talk to someone, anyone."
"I know." I replied.
"My someone just walked in so if you will excuse me." Taecyeon said as his fiancee came in.
I walked out to the garden. I needed the fresh cold air to help me think straight. I could still hear the music and laughter of the party from out here. I untied my mask and took a deep breath.
"Beautiful." I turned around to see a tall man in a back tux and a black masquerade mask he stared at me.
"Pardon?" I asked.
"The stars." He pointed up.
I laughed awkwardly, "Ah, yes. They are beautiful."
"You look lovely..." He waited for my name.
"Amora." I replied shaking his hand. There was something familiar about the man but I couldn't put my finger on it.
He leaned against the fountain, "So how do you know Lorenzo?" The stranger asked.
I took my gloves off, "I don't think you are supposed to ask that here." I whispered.
"I'm here to network and make connections. I know everyone here, well almost everyone, You are the only one I don't know about." He explained staring at the stars.
Lorenzo and Sage walked over to us smiling with drinks in their hands, "Hades, I'm so glad you could make it." Lorenzo said shaking the strangers hand.
"I am glad as well. Amora here has kept me amused." Hades explained to Lorenzo.
Lorenzo smiled, "Good, she is like another daughter to me so I am happy she has treated our guests well."

Hyacinths loveliness charms me every time......just like you do

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