college though, am I right?

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It was bright and sunny day in (your hometown). The sunlight was streaming through your open window, and a gentle breeze was blowing into your room, the raindrops on the grass, left over from last night's rain, the birds chirping; boy what a waste of such a beautiful day. You wanted to go outside, maybe even take a walk. But instead you were here, stuck in your room, forced to write your college resume.

"Why the actual fuck is education so important anyways? what's so great about your ass glued to a chair while you're forced to stay awake listening to some boring human? oof. If only I didn't love and respect my parents enough to do this. god! the things I do for love." you thought.

Your fingers weren't really typing on the keyboard; they were just hovering over the keys because you had absolutely no idea which university you wanted to go to. You were a smart student in high school. You graduated with a 3.8 GPA and your parents had never been prouder. With results like that, you could practically go to any university you wanted. You were lucky your parents weren't pushy, otherwise you would probably have been shipped to Harvard to pursue medicine or something crazy.

so you just sat there, switching between your laptop and your phone.

"Let the universe send me some sort of sign, goddamnit." and just as those thoughts entered your head, your phone rang. It was an unknown number. Being the horror loving ass hat that you were, you had read tonnes of stories about unknown numbers being cursed. so obviously, you picked up the phone without having to think twice.

"yeet yeet. helloooo. who is this?" you said.

"ayyy, (y/n). You haven't changed at all, have you?" you noticed a trace of laughter in his voice.

"ok, demon. whomst has told you my name? am I like, gonna die now? if you wanna kill me, go ahead. this was perfect timing! I totally appreciate it"

"woah woah woah. I am NOT a demon. (y/n) do you seriously not recognise my voice? broooo. it's Daniel! Daniel Lim from high school"

"wait a second. what the fuck! Daniel? for real? DANIEL! DANNY BOI! DAN ma MAN! how've you been! You sound so different! like I'm SHHOOOOKK"

okay so a little back story of you and Daniel. You were in tenth grade and he was in the twelfth when you first met him. You used to study in an international school in (c/n). that year, the school decided that your batch was old enough and that you guys needed some exposure. So, they decided to transfer you and a bunch of other kids to a school in Canada. Your parents were all for it, and truth be told, you were too. New school, new friends? Yeah you might've been a bit anti-social, but you were always up for a challenge. that's how you met Daniel. He was a prefect and he had to show you around on your first day and you guys just sorta clicked. You spent one whole year in that Canadian school, but the only good friend you made was Daniel, who was totally worth it :)

Daniel laughed before continuing, "I guess puberty hit me hard. Anyway, I heard you're finally done with school. Congratulations! whatcha gonna do next? college?"

"yeah. I was just beating my brain up writing a resume actually. I want to study architecture but I have no idea where I to go. any suggestions?"

"Hmm. suggestions? My friend said something about his university having a good architecture and engineering course a few weeks ago. I could find out and text you back if you want"

"Wow really? that's awesome! thanks Dan"

"aight I'll talk to you later then?"

"yeah. see ya."

you threw your phone near you. The universe did send you a sign after all ;)

Author's note: I don't think anyone's going to read this but it was CRAZY fun to write. I know this one's kinda short but like don't worry! I'll make it up to you one day I promise! let me know what you think in the comments, kids!

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