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Stephen drove to Willy's, which was about five minutes from the park.

You opened the door to willy's and heard a nostalgic jingle as you entered. You used to come here often after school; sometimes with girls, sometimes with Mark, sometimes by yourself, but usually with Daniel. You looked around and saw that nothing much had changed; the tables were arranged exactly the same as before. The same old man with a happy smile stood behind the counter, while his daughter and son helped serve the orders.

I mean, it's only been 3 years. How much could possibly change.

"Over here!" you saw hosuh smile and wave his hand at you and Stephen.

"did you guys order yet?" you asked. you were eager to order something; all that walking business made you hungry.

"yeah. About 10 minutes ago. why don't the two of you go order something."

you didn't need to be told twice. you yanked poor Stephen, who was about to rest his precious butt, and dragged him by his wrist towards the counter.

"Excuse me, may we order something?" you smiled. Stephen couldn't help wondering why you were so polite while ordering food.

"I'll be darned! if it isn't Snickerdoodles!"

"snickerdoodles?" Stephen looked so confused.

"why yes! the girl beside you! she used to come here all the time when she was a high school student and she would always order snickerdoodles!"

"hehe that's me" you said awkwardly, touched that they remembered you, but still embarrassed by the nickname. Stephen was smiling in his attempt to suppress his laughter.

just then, the old man's wife walked out of a room. Delighted to see your familiar face, she said (very loudly), "(y/n)!! Darling! is it really you? My! you've grown into such a beautiful young lady. I bet all the young bloods in town are chasing you!"

She said it just like how a grandmother would say it; she wasn't trying to put you in an uncomfortable position, she genuinely thought that boys threw themselves at you.

Stephen couldn't hold back anymore. He burst into his adorable laughter. You felt like you were having muscle spasms trying to smile. Your flushed cheeks were obvious, and everyone who heard the lady looked your way. Stephen wasn't helping, so you elbowed him really hard.

"ow!" he was still laughing but he tried his best. You cleared your throat, trying to forget about the uneasy situation.

"I'll just take my usual order; 1 snickerdoodle, vanilla ice cream on waffles, two glazed Tim-bits (I think they're some sort of doughnut), one strawberry milkshake annnnnd maybe a cheesecake."

Stephen just stared at you for a few seconds. "did you just order for the both of us? or are you really gonna devour all that by yourself?" he was teasing you again.

You glared at him and turned away walking towards Hosuh and Dan. you sat down beside Hosuh.

"So. How'd it go today?" Hosuh asks.

Oh my fucking god. are you always this cute you little bean?

"It was fun. Except we met Mark and his new girlfriend."

"Major oof. I bet you tried to hide behind a tree or something."

"Well actually," Stephen interrupted as he sat next to Daniel, "she hid in a bush." Hosuh looked at you. " a bush?"

"wow I wish I could've seen that," said dan, "that's a new low, even for you (y/n)"

"hey! what's that suppose to mean?" you pouted.

the three boys just laughed as the waitress brought your food.

---------------------time skip brought to you by Gavin's guns-------------------------------

*outside Willy's*

"wow. I'm so full!" you patted your stomach. 

"I'm not surprised" hosuh chuckled.

"not you too!" you feigned sadness as they laughed.

This time, you drove home with Daniel, and hosuh went with Stephen.

"so. I see you're wearing something," dan said as he eyed your- correction Stephen's jacket.

you acted like you didn't understand what dan was implying. "Well of course I'm wearing something, Danny. I don't think it's legal to walk around naked whether I want to or not."

"you know what I mean, (y/n)- I mean Stephen~"

"Don't tempt me Dan. You know I would not hesitate to smack your ass even if it leads to you driving us off the road."

"sorry but I think you should smack Stephen's ass. Not mine," Dan laughed so loudly that you jerked backwards a little.

"argh you're like a hopeless little brother."

"excuse you. I'm 24. you're 20. or did you forget how to count because you're thinking about smacking Stephen's fine ass"

"throw your kinks out the window please. My virgin ears can't bear this"

"Don't worry. You won't be a virgin for very long. Not with Stephen around heuheuheu"

"ew you're so creepy shut up" you felt tense even though you knew Dan was only joking.

"I'm not forcing you to tell me anything. I just think it's awfully nice of Stephen to lend you his 1000 dollar jacket when you're going to the park."

You literally choked on air. "wuT. 1000 dollars?" you took off the jacket, holding it tenderly. You folded it with so much care.

"what are you doing? treating that jacket like it's your child lol"

"this jacket's worth more than everything that you and I are wearing, combined."

"speak for yourself. My shirt costs 1000 $ too" Dan was very proud of his Gucci shirt.

"geez stop flexing. I know youre rich. no need to rub it in my face," you laughed. You always joked with Dan like this. You either bragged about yourself, dragged yourself or dragged dan.

Finally, you guys reached home. Hosuh and Stephen were already waiting inside.

"thanks for today, Stephen." your expression was gentle as you held out the jacket. Stephen slowly took it from your hands, but he continued to look at your face. Your eyes met for a few seconds, and then both of you turned away, flustered.

"I ship it," hosuh whispered to Daniel.

"I do too kekkeke" dan whispered back.

"Alrighty I'm gonna get ready for tomorrow.  I have a class at 10 in the morning."

"I have a class at 9:45. you want to go to uni together?" Stephen asked.

"that'd be great! ok then, goodnight y'all" you hopped up the stairs. and entered your room. You prepared your stuff and crashed onto your bed. You fell asleep, smiling.

I'm afraid I'm falling utterly and hopelessly for you.

A/n: idk why but 'hosuh' keeps getting autocorrected as 'house' and it's driving me Crazy

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