Crush culture.

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•Noun•  Nausea and headaches often caused by way too much fucking alcohol. Can be identified by the want to never drink or eat again, regretting all your life's decisions, the embarrassment of facing all the people you spent the night with and the need for a glass of water and a LoT of aspirin.

It was 8 in the morning, and you just wanted to lie in bed and die. Your head was spinning, you had already visited the bathroom multiple times to vomit AND you were so embarrassed by all the sexual things you revealed to your HETEROSEXUAL MALE roomates.
Knock knock.
"Come in," you groaned.
Stephen peeped in and saw you sprawled on the bed with the blankets tangled all over you limbs.
"Let me guess. Hangover?"
"No. I'm just casually vomiting after drinking more than i can handle. What do you think?" You said, sarcastically.
Stephen just let out a small laugh and sat down beside you.
"Here. This helped me when i had my first hangover," he said as he handed you two tablets.
"Aspirin," you muttered as you placed one on the bedside table and popped the other one into your mouth. You washed it down with the glass of water that Stephen had brought.
"So you're gonna skip classes today?" Stephen asked.
"Are you kidding? Hell no. My classes are in the afternoon. I'll probably feel better by then. Besides," you looked him squarely in the eyes, "it's just a mild headache."
"people dont 'casually vomit' when they have 'mild headaches'. Just let me know if you need anything."
Stephen closed the door as he left, leaving you alone with a whirlwind of thoughts.
I can't believe i told them about my 'personal' life. Fuck. And now i have this headache. I really need a cup of coffee. I think i can sneak past the guys and come back quickly. How will i attend class? Should i? Yes, i should. But in this state? What will people think? Maybe i should act like a druggie till i graduate. That way i wont be fishy. Wait no. Thats terrible.

(Lol this is an accurate depiction of my thought process in one second)

Your headache already felt a little better as you walked down to the kitchen. You met all three of them; Stephen looked fine, Hosuh looked as cheerful as usual. But dan. Dan looked just like you. He looked like he would fall on his face any second.
"Morning," hosuh said. It was annoying how normal he looked.
"Dan just woke up. I was just telling him what a stubborn prick he was last night. It was such a pain trying to put a drunk baby to sleep," stephen said, with a deadpan face.
"Was i really that drunk?" Daniel murmured as he rubbed his eyes.
"Drunk as a skunk,"stephen said.
"You even smelled like one," hosuh added, smiling,"Oh well. Let's forget all the dirty shit we revealed," he continued.
"I don't think i can forget what (y/n) revealed," Stephen grinned.
"Hey! They revealed some nasty shit too!"
"Yeah. But it's different when it comes to you," stephen's voice was low and raspy.
"Perv," daniel added half heartedly.
The room erupted in Stephen's bubbly laughter.
"By the way, will you survive university today?" Dan asked drowsily.
"He's right. What if you puke on someone?" Stephen joked.
"Well then i hope i puke on Mark."
Everyone laughed, including yourself.
These people were really something. They even made you forget your hangover.
"Okay well, i have to head to uni. I have a whole day of classes today," said Stephen.
"Have fun," Hosuh said as Stephen walked out of the room and lazily waved his hand.
"So," Daniel suddenly perked up and grinned, "are you going to invite us to your wedding?"
You choked on you coffee.
"ExcUsE Me wHUt?"
"Seriously? Are you that dense?" Dan asked like he didnt believe you.
"Dan, stop torturing her," hosuh said.
"What? I cant help it. It pains me to see two of my friends who dont have the balls to confess to each other," Dan said being the dramatic queen he was.
"Confess what?" You asked. Maybe you were dense because Daniel was making zero sense.
"Arghhhh forget it. I have classes in half an hour," Dan said getting up from his chair while his hand supported his forehead.
"Hosuh?" You asked, with your puppy face.
Hosuh looked at you, hesitated and then said, "he's talking about your crush on Stephen and-"
Before hosuh could finish, his phone ran and he ran out of the room, mouthing that the call was important.

...My... crush...?

You had never thought about your feelings for Stephen. Sure, he was hot. Sure he gave you butterflies and made your heart beat faster and was constantly on your mind. But you didnt like him like that...right?
Wait a holy second. Do i have a crush on Stephen?

A couple of hours passed and you changed into this outfit (or any other incase you dont like this) because basic is your middle name.

(Dear reader, there is no 'set body type' for y/n

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(Dear reader, there is no 'set body type' for y/n. It's the outfit im into when i post these. Little self love reminder 💖)

You put on you silver rimmed glasses and headed for uni. You knew your way there so you wanted to walk. The cool spring breeze blew through your soft, wavy hair. You admired the beauty of the day. The sun was warm and the pavement was dappled with the shadows of the bare trees. These were the last signs of Winter.
Before you knew it, you had arrived at the university. The sunlight was reflecting on the numerous windows of the buildings. Students were everywhere either studying or just chilling.
"Y/n!" You heard Gavin's familiar voice.
"Hi Gavin. Whatcha doin?"
"Oh i was about to head out. I was in the library for 3 hours today."
"Oh. I heard the library here is incredible. I think i'll check it out after class."
"What class do you have right now?" Gavin asked.
"Geometry with Professor Nathan," you said, scrunching up your nose trying to remember your professor's name.
"Oh you don't want to be late for his classes. He'll poke a stick up your ass if he has to."
"Shit then imma scrrrrrttt," you said, already running.
Gavin just laughed to himself as he watched your adorable figure run across the campus.

"I see why he likes you."

———after class bc ew am i right———
Professor Nathan was so irritating that it offended you.
Why the hell would someone choose to give birth to something like that?
Just then, someone smashed you into the wall. It was Mark. His hands were holding your shoulders firmly against the wall.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He hissed.
"What's wrong with me??? You're the bastard who randomly slammed me into the wall!"
"Well after your little 'escapade' with Stephen, Scarlet says she wants him back! She's fucking trying to dump me!"
"Tch. It's not my fault. youre just an ugly dickhead," you scoffed. You didn't want to stay in this position so you shook him off and walked away.

The audacity that little ass had to come at me.

Mark's erratic behavior left you exasperated. Your back hurt; the impact on the wall would surely have left a bruise. You let out a sigh as you dragged your feet towards the park.
You allowed your thoughts to flood your mind. Leaving things bottled up for too long wasnt pleasant at all.
Ow. My back still hurts. And Mark said something about him getting dumped because of my association with Stephen?  He said Scarlet wants Stephen back.  That mean...
Your eyes became blurry, even though you didnt want to cry. You had no reason to cry. After all, Stephen wasnt yours; he would never be yours.
Get your shit together, bitch you thought to yourself but tears rolled down your cheeks; first one, them another, and soon your eyes went Niagara Falls on you.
You got up and started walking homewards. You could hear the soft crunch of soil under your sneakers and it was almost therapeutic. That's when you heard a familiar voice; stephen. You smiled instinctively, your heart was racing and your tear stained cheeks were glowing under the streetlights. You headed towards the voice but when you finally spotted him...
Your heart sank.
Standing next to him was Scarlet. She looked absolutely beautiful and she was laughing at something Stephen said.
Your lips formed an ironic smile and a cold laugh escaped your lips.
Of course. Why am i getting my hopes up? I'm just waiting for something that's never going to happen. You're not mine and you never will be.

Just a Slice of Life (Actually Stephen x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now